I cannot get the upgrade instructions to work. I download the file fine but the one line with the perl command doesn't work for me...
On which XBian version are you?
(23rd Dec, 2012 10:29 PM)Koenkk Wrote: [ -> ]On which XBian version are you?
alpha 2
Here is what it says:
xbian@xbian:~# ./update.sh
-bash: ./update.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
and If i try to run it with bash:
xbian@xbian:~# bash ./update.sh
./update.sh: line 2: $'\r': command not found
./update.sh: line 64: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Can you post all the commands you are using?
thank you! worked perfect
rebooting now
what is the benefit of upgrading like this?
That you don't have to reinstall to go from Alpha 2 to Alpha 3.