7th Jan, 2013, 04:58 AM
(7th Jan, 2013 03:45 AM)leroyz84 Wrote: [ -> ]Wow,
Thanks for your repsonse, if i've been a bit pushy, yeah that's right. I do prefer Xbian, in the start of this project i've mirrored a image for koenkk.
That was an offer from my side, and i expect nothing in return. The reason i was pushy was because of there was no reply yet. Just some info to get me started, you know?
If i offensed anybody, than i'm sorry for that. that wasn't my intend. I also work 42 hours/week and don't have a lot of spare time. So i understand that not everybody can help within a few seconds. I was affraid that the topic dissapeared.
Thanks for the info, i will dig in later this week. I have to do some other stuff, i will post my results back later.
Thanks a lot!
No worries. Believe me in that I speak from experience. I have made similar faux pas in the past. I hardly speak from any ivory tower in that sense

One other tip is IRC. I sympathise with your time constraints as I am not personally one who believes that open source survives on the minions tweaking code in their recreation time. IRC though can be a good alternative to the forum if you're worried that there's not a lot of response from the forum. Unfortunately XBian has had nasty issues with hosting and DDoS attempts in the recent past so the forum was a victim of that and I'm not personally sure that it has the biggest audience in the XBian world just yet. IRC is not always a hive of activity but it's worth a look every now and then

Don't work too hard!