Hi all,
I am just thinking about upgrading the storage for the pi.
I was wondering what your thoughts are about the above two options?
I was thinking of NAS as it would off-load some of the processing away from the pi and leave more for XBMC, but are there other factors that play against this?
What would you recommend? What have you tried?
definitely some network storage,NAS or any file server. Preferably not windows PC or laptop OFC

Thanks Rikardo, that's what I wanted to hear! ;-)
Now I will look for a good low powered NAS to meet my needs. I'd love to use a pi, but it's a little slow for that but there must be something out there that's low powered with a little more 'omph'.
(6th Jul, 2013 09:15 PM)Skywatch Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Rikardo, that's what I wanted to hear! ;-)
Now I will look for a good low powered NAS to meet my needs. I'd love to use a pi, but it's a little slow for that but there must be something out there that's low powered with a little more 'omph'.
Another Pi with attached storage would work fine, no matter how you look at it your still limited by the Pi's USB/Network speed.
Although a dedicated NAS would be much faster providing network storage for devices not limited to 10/100 speeds.
With Beta 1.1 I've not yet to notice a problem with USB. nor Windoze SMB or NAS SMB (I did try NFS and uPnP on the NAS but it was worse than SMB)
No point going for a USB3 as the PI is only USB2 (Unless you want to use it elsewhere).
If you have the N/W always running - then a NAS is probably the best way to go. I've used a TP-LINK DS323 and had no problems with it, ither on the Pi or anywhere else. The only work of caution - should it bother you - is that the disk has to be formatted as ext2 or 3 (if I remember correctly) so can't easily be slipped out and read via Windoze.
If you have a USB drive try that and see if you run into problems.
But...... money no problem :-) get a NAS (There's so much more you can do on it - torrents, FTP, backups etc etc.)
Careful with USB 3 HD. My 1tb came as powered via USB only.
The pi didn't give it enough power and i couldn't see one of those y cables you can get for USB 2.
Finally just put it on my ps3 and brought another 750 USB 2 for the pi.
(8th Jul, 2013 01:42 AM)Richdotward Wrote: [ -> ]Careful with USB 3 HD. My 1tb came as powered via USB only.
The pi didn't give it enough power and i couldn't see one of those y cables you can get for USB 2.
Finally just put it on my ps3 and brought another 750 USB 2 for the pi.
You could power the drive with a powered hub ~500ma.
You could power the drive with a powered hub ~500ma.
Yeah but that was extra cost and electricity that I didn't want. Already saved the cost of the pi via lower electric bills, 12 months to go and the HD is paid for