15th Jul, 2013, 04:13 AM
I just bought a Raspberry and loaded Xbian on it. Everything seems to work but for some reason I just can't find a way to add movies to the library. All I can do is show my movies in a list which is very boring and not the reason why I bought the Raspberry. When I go to the Videos menu, the sub menus are "Files' and "Add on". Under files I set the path (SMB) where the movies are located. That will give me the list of all my movies. I understand that once I scan my movies into the library, I can see them with fan-art and all the other good stuff. I just can't find the menu where I can scan them into the library. I'm usually not that dense, but this is bugging the hell out of me. I used Google to find out more only to read "scan movies to the library" but not how to. Help is greatly appreciated. 
