
Full Version: Using xbian xbmc binaries on raspbian
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I have a very customized raspbian that I can't part with but at the same time xbian seems to offer lots. Would it be possible to run xbian under a chroot or in some other way extract and run the binary under raspbian?

Any thoughts? What obstacles would there be to this?

With "xbian" you mean "XBMC" bundled with Xbian? Theoretically there is no reason why it should not.

But: you have to evaluate, how much from the desired "functinalities" you see as XBMC is related to Xbian system. Then libraries, scripts (cec / lirc / upstart / external media mounts / etc).

chroot will make your xbian run within raspbian, but not xbmc. There are issues accessing VHCIQ system from within chroot.

What does it mean "very" customized? Recently as part of Beta2 preparation, we tuned the Xbian's install packages to be very clean and correct about dependencies and I was able finally to install Xbian packages over minimal raspbian install.

I installed net boot cd to sd card, then xbians package deb's over with apt. So you could do it this way (just a warning, xbian will install upstart, what is not still distro setup for debian/raspbian).
I ran Raspbian and installed XBMC over the top of it (apt-get install xbmc - I think) and although it worked, XBMC ran like a dog. It was slow and unresponsive - totally unusable from my point of view.

Xbian actually _is_ XBMC installed on top of raspbian.
If you want to be hardcore, you can start totally from scratch instead of using raspbian as your basis:
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