(26th Aug, 2013 02:45 AM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]I wasn't disregarding your information. 
Thanks, I wasn't feeling neglected, I'm glad to assist others, but not to force anyone's hand.
Anyway, while lirc is still required for some input methods, it is mostly becoming obsolete. Since it was the only solution in the past before its modules migrated into the kernel, most of the searches find old info, which is the wrong info for new kernels, and this leads to frustration amongst users who "just want it to work".
I think the wiki or whatever documentation Xbian has, should explain about the two options, helping users choose the shortest path to redemption
(25th Aug, 2013 08:52 PM)Dbbd Wrote: [ -> ]Specific case it is not - it covers all USB remotes.
The solution above failed to hold. After reboot it stopped working again.
What does work is as follows:
get rid of Lirc. Remove it from the default services.
install ir-keytables (apt-get install ir-keytables)
copy the appropriate keytable to /etc/rc_keytables
modify the keytable as you need - it creates keyboard events, so you can tailor your remote to the keys expected by xbmc.
add the command "ir-keytable -c -w /etc/rc_keytables/<your keytable>
And that's it. It is simple, it survives reboots. It doe NOT require changing the lirc keyboard.xml
AND, it is faster - looks like the reduced translation chain makes the pi respond to the remote keys faster. This however is my subjective, unmeasured feeling.
I've tried to use this method but get stuck. I just get the promt "Unable to locate package ir-keytables". I'm really not used to the CLI and lack any intuitive sense of how to proceed. Could you explain it like you would to a 5 yo?