What is the longest that you have been able to go with out having to reinstall, reflash the SD card etc. i am lucky if I can go 2 or 3 days, either XBMC is locked solid, or entering menu returns a black screen. Won't initiate after a power off power on, etc, etcf
Standard installation, no overclocking, quality SD card.. Starting to get frustrating that I am ready to pack it in.
did you actually tried to find what causing it? did you try to trace it down when it happen?some more details are req to be able to provide help, like log file, your setup details, just look into Forum rules for how to get as much as possible
With alpha5 installed on my USB key (so just the 32mb-ish part on the SD Card), my Pi has been running XBian for about 5 months now with no issues - and that's with hard power offs (TV power the Pi, so when TV turned off, Pi goes off) ...
I had aplha5 running off a 2GB Kingston micro SD in an adapter for over 6 months with never a problem.
Interestingly, F1vefour also uses micro SD cards and he has never had any problems either. I wonder if that is just coincidence or a factor. I'd be interested to see what other users report.
I think you have a problem and it needs to be fixed. Post as much information as requested in the forum rules, and we'll try and root out what the problem is. It is certainly not Xbian.
Can i gain access to the debug log from SSH or from the SD card somewhere, I can not retrieve from XMBC once it locks up. XBMC can not be restarted or rebooted. Has to be reinstalled. Debug log must be buried somewhere on the SD card that I can retrieve.
Please post - as in my signature.
Please read.....
How to.......
Those details are relevant to enable a swift resolution.
Thanks, but I can not access the debug log once it crashes, XBMC will not restart from a reboot. I have to reinstall from the original image. Is the debug log in a folder somewhere on the SD card, i may be able tor retrieve from SSH.
Please follow the instructions in my previous post - we need to know the FULL details of your setup
(22nd Aug, 2013 07:23 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]Please follow the instructions in my previous post - we need to know the FULL details of your setup
thats what he trying to ask you

he cant use the How to you linking to as he wants either SSH or direct from the SD card plugged in PC access this file

running for serval month's now.
RPi B 512 V2
SanDisk Ultra 30MB/s SDHC 8GB
HTC 1A Power Supply
Are you overclocking?
(22nd Aug, 2013 06:09 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (22nd Aug, 2013 07:23 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]Please follow the instructions in my previous post - we need to know the FULL details of your setup
thats what he trying to ask you
he cant use the How to you linking to as he wants either SSH or direct from the SD card plugged in PC access this file 
I understand that he cannot access the data when it has locked but it must work for a bit!. I was hoping for some output, dmesg, xbmc.log even version so we can see if anything strange is happening at boot.
Thanks, that is the issue, I can not access the logs from XMBC. When it fails, it typically locks solid, or when I press any of the main menus all I
get is a blank screen. I have just installed the XBMX Log uploader, enabled debugging but it does nothing. Entering my e-mail address in the logupdater configuration setting and I receive nothing via-mail. Isn't that what it is supposed to do?
I can intermittenly log in SSH but wanted to know where the log files are?
In any event here is my system, but don't see what help it is going to be
XBian version: 1.0 Beta 1.1
XBMC version: 12.2. Git 20130502 32b1a5e
Overclock settings: None
Power supply rating: 1amp
RPi model (model A/B 256mb/512mb): 512mb
SD card size and make/type: Duracell SD10 16GB (Chkdsk reports no errors)
Network (wireless or LAN): LAN
Connected devices (TV, USB, network storage, etc.): TV via HDMI
Link to logfile(s):
Problem description:
Screen will lock, or menus will not respond only returning a black screen. Rebooting or powering off and it will fail to load and requires a complete
reinstall. Nothing on the TV screen at all, other than "No signal". Appears not even attempting to boot.
Ability to SSH is intermittent, sometimes it allows, sometime it does not. Usually when I can not log in via SSH it is close to crashing again.
Often when trying to power off XMBC the power icon does not work. Can only remove the power physically which almost guarantees a corrupt disk.
How to reproduce:
Easy, let it run for a couple hours/overnight.
This thing is so frustrating, just spent an hour installing customizing my settings, and configuring and then again , power icon will not respond and I can no longer access via SSH. Power off the raspberry by pulling the plug and it is dead, will not even begin to reboot. Can't even send the log files as there is nothing that I can access off the SD card within windows.
Bryan, your power adapter is likely the culprit. Is there any chance you could get your hands on something around 1.2 amps or better?
I'd also check with another SD card. I have a Duracell Pro Photo class 10 and it won't even boot on one of my RPi.
Log file -> home/xbian/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log and home/xbian/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log.old
dmesg -> Run dmesg > dmesg.txt
Then post the three files, dmesg.txt and the log files via pastebin.com if possible.