(31st Aug, 2013 02:20 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (31st Aug, 2013 01:58 AM)Exnor Wrote: [ -> ] (30th Aug, 2013 10:48 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (30th Aug, 2013 09:55 PM)Exnor Wrote: [ -> ] (30th Aug, 2013 10:11 AM)markosjal Wrote: [ -> ]Now I think this touches on another theme. I have multiple Chinese and UK Pis . I see that Chinese Pis (newer) will boot off ANYTHING, however UK Pis are picky about what they boot from.They (UK Pis) will not boot off my current crop of Adata Class 10 SD cards, whereas the Chinese ones do!. If this was supposed to fix this , it did not
How can i identify if my Pi is chinese or UK? i got my 2 Pi's from RPi official retailers at day one.
if you mean difference between the one for China and made in China and rest thats easy
chinese version uses red pcb's and rest of the world green 
If you mean the world green version made in China and made in Wales there is not that easy.If you have the first Version 1 with 256mb RAM, than its most likely made in China, where Version 2 512mb RAM they was started the production in Wales UK. Not sure about the newest batches, as they might split the production again between UK and CN, but not sure.
Try to dig in on RPi's website
edit:also i think that there is a silkprint on PCB's "Made in ..."
thks for the info
I have a B model gen1 (256MiB RAM) and B model gen2... so one is made in China lol. Both have green PCB's.
I was just concern if there were any flaws on the ones made in China, but if there is a China PCB version then i think its not the case.
no it would not be the case.
Only thing what may make a difference is that some of the boards has Samsung SoCs chip an the other uses Hynix. Samsung versions are more stable and go better with overclocking. So you may check which you have
So Broadcom SoC are not manufactured by Broadcom itself? I thought they add a semiconductor factory and that was the reason the RPi's foundation selected they SoC (since there are a lot of similar SoC's out there...).
So how can i spot with OEM manufactured my SoC? (just for curiosity since i have both Pi's OverClocked @ Xbian OC and a passive thermal dissipation on them and so far no problems

this is about the RAM chip and not GPU

check this page at bottom
Hardware versions/revisions
These are made on top of each other, so you have like GPU BC BGA at bottom and on top sits the like another BGA which is RAM. These are made by 2 manufactures

(31st Aug, 2013 04:05 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]this is about the RAM chip and not GPU 
check this page at bottom Hardware versions/revisions
These are made on top of each other, so you have like GPU BC BGA at bottom and on top sits the like another BGA which is RAM. These are made by 2 manufactures 
Ok that i knew... the SoC is SMD on the board and i takes the RAM chip on top...
So BSxxx stands for Broadcom - Samsung and BHxxx is for Broadcom - Hynix right? And is the same in the 512MB boards? .
As soon a get home i'm gonna check my RPi's

My Rpi's are both Hynix

but they work very well in OC conditions.
(3rd Sep, 2013 11:14 PM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]btw: https://github.com/xbianonpi/xbian/issues/450

thks mate i'm gonna try it and post results.
Edit: i pull the file .deb to an temp folder and i am trying to install with dpkg but it takes a lot of time... is it normal? The Pi still responds to Pings but the SSH connection is not "moving"
Edit: i'm unable to install it :/ any suggestions?
Not all Chinese Pi boards are red in color. I poisted some photos of this and some SD card slot issues here
I did this in oirder to avoid hijacking this thread
Have you tried opening an additional ssh connection?
(6th Sep, 2013 07:41 AM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]Have you tried opening an additional ssh connection?
Yep and the machine does not respond.. the good news is it hangs before it does anything

(6th Sep, 2013 09:58 AM)Exnor Wrote: [ -> ] (6th Sep, 2013 07:41 AM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]Have you tried opening an additional ssh connection?
Yep and the machine does not respond.. the good news is it hangs before it does anything 
Ok got the update via the apt-get (noticed it was available on the Xbian config) and the problem persists...
It reboots after a normal shutdown... Any ideas?
If you have access to a different linux machine we need to see your logs'
(13th Sep, 2013 01:43 PM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]If you have access to a different linux machine we need to see your logs'
Yes i have

just tell me where are the logs and i will paste them here or send it to you ASAP