28th Dec, 2012, 07:16 AM
In the Netherlands we have a wireless system called Klik Aan / Klik Uit (or KaKu), it can control you light using RF433.
Official website: http://www.klikaanklikuit.nl
Since i had some of those models in my house, and i want to control it with my pi.
So i used google, ended up here:
Script to control Kaku by Curlymo (thanks!)
In his description he say's he is using this "433MHz Superheterodyne 3400 RF Transmitter and Receiver link kit"
I assume that its this one
If so, i will buy one and make somekind of webinterface for it.
And ofc, write a how for here
Official website: http://www.klikaanklikuit.nl
Since i had some of those models in my house, and i want to control it with my pi.
So i used google, ended up here:
Script to control Kaku by Curlymo (thanks!)
In his description he say's he is using this "433MHz Superheterodyne 3400 RF Transmitter and Receiver link kit"
I assume that its this one
If so, i will buy one and make somekind of webinterface for it.
And ofc, write a how for here