
Full Version: Microsoft MCE Remote, help needed
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On the old forum there was a concise guide on setting up a Microsoft remote. It had cut and pastes, everything. It worked perfect.

Anyone know if that guide is still around anywhere?

No, the old forum is gone Sad Can you post more details about this remote?
I have two. One original Microsoft (RC6) MCE learning remote and USB receiver. And a similar HP set both use the same drivers and button codes.
I can probably work out all the lirc files etc. But the old guide was perfect, so I had hoped someone out there still had a copy.
Probably will be fixed in Alpha 4 which will be released anytime soon Wink
I tried my remote tonight, with the rc4 and I'm having same problem as before
Can you follow our remote setup guide on our wiki.
I did a clean install with the new alpha 4, and the remote worked straight away Smile
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