
Full Version: IR Remote - only arrow keys working - please help!
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Hey, I just barely switched from Raspbmc to Xbian, I have a TSOP IR receiver plugged into my pi. I used this tutorial
LIRC Tutorial
to get my remote working, I had to do a custom keymap and such. After I was all done, only the arrow keys on my remote work. When I use an Android remote (YATSE), everything works great, but only the arrow keys work on my IR remote. In my Box account below I've attached my hardware.conf, remote.conf, Lircmap.xml, and lircd.conf
Config Files for Xbian

Any help would be appreciated! Also, on the last step of the tutorial( where it says to run
root@xbian:~# /etc/init.d/xbmc start
putty says no such file exists! Don't know if that could be contributing to the problem. Thanks!
I fixed it by updating to Alpha 5, although now all of key presses are double!
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