The getting started page link doesnt work. I can't find any info on basic instructions on how to install Xbian using Windows 7.
I want to use Xbian as media center.
Can someone help a newbie with simple instructions using Windows, please?
plug your SD card to your computer, download the windoze installer from our site, extract it and run. than pick the XBian version from list(preferable latest so Beta2) make sure you select your SD card! and run. wait few seconds(depends on your broadband speed). Once finished just plug the card to your Raspberry and plug the power cored.
Done, that simple
The Instruction on "getting started" page couldn't be more clear

But I can't follow

I'm using Manjaro, when I run the installer, I couldn't find the sdcard to install to (I can still see it using File Manager).
I then used the command dd to clone the XBian img to sdcard.
But when I boot up Raspberry, after the progress bar show something like "Starting up XBMC..." it turned to blackness, displayed nothing after that. It seem like the Raspberry shutdown after that.
I tried dd a second time, still the same result.
Can some one help me please! How to make the installer recognize my sdcard? And if dd could make Raspberry boot up half way, what make it stop there?
Hi wonbinbk and welcome.
I dd'd two SD cards last Sunday, one for Pi2 and one for Pi1(B+), without any issues.
Plus I upgraded a Pi1(B) that was running very old verion, using "xbian-config --> upgrade", without issues.
Cant help you with installers though as I never use them.
Can you supply basic info as described in below post please ?
Plus supply below info pls:
1) Download link for the XBian image that you downloaded ?
2) How exactly did you execute the dd command to write the XBian image to the SD card ?
3) Post output of "lsblk" or "fdisk -l" command on the PC that does the dd'ing while SD card is inserted ?
4) Have you succeeded in running any of the other distributions already, like for example Raspbian ?
Ps. anything too big to post on forum (like log files), please drop on pastebin and refere to the pastebin link: