
Full Version: is it possible to use encrypted usb hdd
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is it possible to use a maverick encrypted usb hdd with password with the latest xbian xbmc?
if yes can anyone please explain.

thx. re
if you mean MACOSX Maverick, then NO.
No. I mean that i format the hdd with osx, then make journaled partition and encrypt it incl password protection. Then i put some media on it like films and so on...
When i then start the raspberry with xbian on my sd card, is it possible to read the media from the usb when i plug it into the rasp??

I can remember that the discs must be formatted ntfs..? Or is that wrong ??

Thx and greets, re

I got the point first time. No. It is not possible.

There is no driver to work with Apple CoreStorage Volumes ...
ok! thanks,

it would be great if that work!

so is there a possibility to encrypt the files on my hdd for security reasons that both, the rasp and my mac can read

thx re
you can start here

but truecrypt should be the way to go - but no personal experience.

T r u e C r y p t
Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows 7/Vista/XP, Mac OS X, and Linux
Will try that.

Does anyone have experience with that? Is it much slower than?

I don't have the knowledge to set it up under linux, but I do have a PC running truecrypt and you wouldn't know it was there once the machine is started up. It added about 20s to the start on that machine but other than that it is invisible with no noticeable performance impact.

Hope this might help you a little!

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