I have issue with my external hdd (it's WD Elements Desktop connected directly to my raspberryPi - it's 3,5
" drive, so has own power supply).
HDD is waking up after a few minutes after sleep (sleep is after 30 minutes of inactivity). This problem is only on XBMC distributions - on Xbian, but I also tried Raspbmc.
On Windows and Raspbian HDD works properly and doesn't wake up himself.
I'm pretty sure that nothing uses drive and he nonetheless wakes up.
Anyone can help me discover what wakes this drive?
maybe it's loading a part of your Media Library for some reason..this would at least explain why it's only happening in XBMC distributions.
just my 2 cents
(6th Jan, 2014 02:49 AM)feg Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure that nothing uses drive and he nonetheless wakes up.
@freem@n I think as @feq said nothing uses drive
Yea, nothing that I know. Maybe something time to time try to acces the drive, but I don't know how to check it. The LED diode on hdd doesn't show that something reads or writes data, HDD just waking up I don't know why.
In XBMC is a lot more packets than in Raspbian, so maybe some of them do it, but i can't check witch.
HDD has build-in sleep mechanism, so hdparm is useless. I thought this is it, but I removed it and issue is still valid - hdd goes slepp and after few minutes is waking up.
I also tried manually mounting drive in fstab insted of automount, but this is also not it.
I forgot write in first post - I'm using newest version of Xbian and it's rpi with 512mb memory.
You guys are my last chance

I tried all this, too. Just right now i thought i had found the problem by removing the usbmount sleeptimer. i guess about 30 minutes the hdd was sleeping but then...
while this i was looking on the xbmc debug log, but no xbmc event seems to cause the wake up.
Alcoinus do you have also WD Elements or another hdd?
I'm asking, because I had old Seagate drive, which worked properly on the same settings until he died ... ;d
Strange that my WD wakes up himself, when Seagate didin't do it. But I still think it's not hdd problem, because as I said on Windows and Raspian hdd works propertly.
Im using a new WD my book 2tb USB 3
guess i found a solution.
i think the problem is a difference between standby and spindown.
i just removed the build-in sleep and the usbmount spindown, activated hdparm (delete nohdram in cmdline.txt) and till now the hdd is quiet for about 2 hours
(7th Jan, 2014 12:00 AM)Alcoinus Wrote: [ -> ]i just removed the build-in sleep and the usbmount spindown
So if you can tell me how you did that?

Especially how you disabled built-in sleep?
To disable built-in sleep i downloaded wd drive utiliters for windows from
http://support.wd.com/product/download.asp?groupid=132&sid=171 . then i attached the hdd on my windows pc and just disabled the sleep function.
to disable the usbmount spindown you have either to go on xbmc to settings -> xbian -> xbmc , scroll down and uncheck "spin down hdd" or you do it over ssh. there you have to set in /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf around line 30 " SPINDOWN=0 ". (and then dont forget to reboot!)
hope you can follow
the next days im going to check the power consumption when standby and when only spindown, too.
Unfortunately this tool isn't for my hdd
So I probably can't disable built-in sleep mode.
But, this is the way how to work around the problem but it didn't solve issue, because your and my hdd should work propertly with built-in sleep mode. If drive is working properly on Windows, issue is on the side of XBian and not hdd.
You tried the tool? Maybe it works.
And the problem is that the system can't read the power state of the HDD when it is in standby mode. I checked this with hdparm. When my HDD was on standby I did hdparm -C /dev/sda and the HDD woke up. But when it is only on spin down the command returns correct the power state.
So you can't say whether the issue is because of xbian or because of the way of WD standby works.
(7th Jan, 2014 01:54 AM)Alcoinus Wrote: [ -> ]You tried the tool? Maybe it works.
I can't check it now. I will try tomorrow.
(7th Jan, 2014 01:54 AM)Alcoinus Wrote: [ -> ]So you can't say whether the issue is because of xbian or because of the way of WD standby works.
Yea, you are right, but I think something is wrong if drive don't work propertly only on XBMC distributions. Raspbian or Windows can identify drive sleep mode and don't wake up hdd.
And I have one additional question to you. I don't know how work LED diode in your drive, but in my hdd lights up when disk is awake, flashes quickly when disk write/read data and flashes very slowly when drive is in sleep mode.
How LED diode works when you disabled built-in sleep and hdd is sleeping with hdparm?
The LED works the same. But when spin down the LED lights up.
Yeah i guess it is something with the xbmc distributions.