
Full Version: Fresh Install: Not Booting After UPDATE Without Ethernet Connected
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Hi guys,

I've just installed Xbian 1.0B2 and wanted it to be up to date. So I used the "Update All" Option in XBMC.
When it was finished I did a reboot but Xbian didn't start again. It's hanging on the splash screen "configuring network".

Tried it again and again, but everytime the same. (with the tool over ssh and even manually)

I stay for now without updating, but am interested why it doesn't work for me. Somebody knows?


-- edit --


-- edit --

XBian version: 1.0B2
XBMC version: default
Overclock settings: default

Power supply rating: enough (DLink Hub)
RPi model (model A/B 256mb/512mb): 512mb
SD card size and make/type: 4GB Transcend
Network (wireless or LAN): wireless
Connected devices (TV, USB, network storage, etc.): TV, USB Hub, Wifi Dongle
You installed from an image or via an installer?

I assume when you say manually you did;

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade.

Can you run sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get -s upgrade and post the output. (The -s is for a simulation)

do you use nfs mounts in /etc/fstab ?

does the splash exits after 100s as XBMC does not start so it should be considered failed and console should show up
Sure I can, thanks for that fast support!

I installed it via the official installer and yes, used just apt-get when talking about updating manually.

xbian@xbian ~ $ sudo apt-get -s upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
  xbian-package-cec xbian-package-xbmc
The following packages will be upgraded:
  btrfs-tools gnupg gpgv initramfs-tools kpartx libcurl3 libcurl3-gnutls
  libexpat1 libmysqlclient18 libsmbclient libwbclient0 mysql-common samba
  samba-common samba-common-bin tzdata xbian-package-config-shell
  xbian-package-config-xbmc xbian-package-initramfs-tools xbian-package-kernel
  xbian-package-samba xbian-package-splash xbian-package-upstart-xbmc-bridge
  xbian-package-usbmount xbian-package-vnc-server xbian-package-xbmc-scripts
  xbian-package-zram-swap xbian-update
28 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
Inst xbian-package-config-shell [2.1.6-51a] (2.1.6-53 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-package-config-shell (2.1.6-53 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-package-upstart-xbmc-bridge [1.1.0-4] (1.1.0-5 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-package-upstart-xbmc-bridge (1.1.0-5 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-package-xbmc-scripts [1.0.1-13c] (1.0.1-17a XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-package-xbmc-scripts (1.0.1-17a XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-package-config-xbmc [1.1.4-3] (1.1.4-5 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-update [1.0.2-8e] (1.0.2-9a XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-update (1.0.2-9a XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst btrfs-tools [1.0-xbian1] (1.0-xbian1 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf btrfs-tools (1.0-xbian1 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst kpartx [0.4.9+git0.4dfdaf2b-7~deb7u1] (0.4.9+git0.4dfdaf2b-7~deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf kpartx (0.4.9+git0.4dfdaf2b-7~deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst samba-common [2:3.6.6-6+deb7u1] (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [all]) [samba:armhf ]
Conf samba-common (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [all]) [samba:armhf ]
Inst libwbclient0 [2:3.6.6-6+deb7u1] (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf]) [samba:armhf ]
Conf libwbclient0 (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf]) [samba:armhf ]
Inst samba [2:3.6.6-6+deb7u1] (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf samba (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst samba-common-bin [2:3.6.6-6+deb7u1] (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf samba-common-bin (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-package-samba [2.0.0-3] (2.0.0-4 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-package-samba (2.0.0-4 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-package-zram-swap [1.0-4.6] (1.0-4.7 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-package-zram-swap (1.0-4.7 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-package-usbmount [1.0.5] (1.0.5-2 XBian repository:stable [all])
Conf xbian-package-usbmount (1.0.5-2 XBian repository:stable [all])
Inst xbian-package-kernel [1.3-5.5] (1.3-6.3 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-package-kernel (1.3-6.3 XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-package-initramfs-tools [1.3.1-5b] (1.3.2-1d XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-package-initramfs-tools (1.3.2-1d XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst xbian-package-splash [1.0-1.1] (1.0-1.1a XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Conf xbian-package-splash (1.0-1.1a XBian repository:stable [armhf])
Inst libcurl3 [7.26.0-1+wheezy4] (7.26.0-1+wheezy7 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf libcurl3 (7.26.0-1+wheezy7 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst libcurl3-gnutls [7.26.0-1+wheezy4] (7.26.0-1+wheezy7 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf libcurl3-gnutls (7.26.0-1+wheezy7 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst libexpat1 [2.1.0-1] (2.1.0-1+deb7u1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf libexpat1 (2.1.0-1+deb7u1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst mysql-common [5.5.31+dfsg-0+wheezy1] (5.5.33+dfsg-0+wheezy1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [all])
Conf mysql-common (5.5.33+dfsg-0+wheezy1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [all])
Inst libmysqlclient18 [5.5.31+dfsg-0+wheezy1] (5.5.33+dfsg-0+wheezy1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf libmysqlclient18 (5.5.33+dfsg-0+wheezy1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst libsmbclient [2:3.6.6-6+deb7u1] (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf libsmbclient (2:3.6.6-6+deb7u2 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst gpgv [1.4.12-7+deb7u2] (1.4.12-7+deb7u3 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf gpgv (1.4.12-7+deb7u3 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst gnupg [1.4.12-7+deb7u2] (1.4.12-7+deb7u3 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Conf gnupg (1.4.12-7+deb7u3 Raspbian:7.0/stable [armhf])
Inst tzdata [2013d-0wheezy1] (2013h-0wheezy1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [all])
Conf tzdata (2013h-0wheezy1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [all])
Inst initramfs-tools [0.109.1] (0.115~bpo70+1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [all])
Conf initramfs-tools (0.115~bpo70+1 Raspbian:7.0/stable [all])
Inst xbian-package-vnc-server [1.0.0-3b] (1.0.1-1 XBian repository:stable [armhf])

I don't use nfs and didn't modified anything before updating. (//edit: only setup wifi and changed localisation/language to german)

Thought I was waiting more than 100s - the loading bar is getting full very slowly and then just keeps showing the full bar. Nothing happens.
But maybe I just waited only 99s? - Hmm, actually i leave it running for a very long time. But if this info would help, I could do the update again
to be absolutely sure I waited over 100 seconds.
I wonder if this has something to do with you being on wireless.

Do you have an Ethernet connection available?

I've seen reports of hangs before where Xbian is trying to connect to ETH0 and not WLAN0.

I have a feeling that if you connect an Ethernet cable your problems will go away.
There is an option for Ethernet but it's kind of complicated and my girlfriend would be killing me if would start rearranging the living room right now.

I will test it later or tomorrow and post the result.... But if it would work with ETH0, what I have to change to set it back to WLAN0?
It wasn't a case of killing anyone - but trying to solve the issue. Just drag the RPi to a Ethernet connection and see if my theory is correct.

There was a recent post similar to this - where ETH0 was removed from auto and all worked fine.
(10th Jan, 2014 03:49 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]ETH0 was removed from auto and all worked fine.

Could you please declare "auto" for me? Is it a specific file I have to edit?

Managed to get a long ethernet cable, so rearranging the living room isn't needed anymore and I can do it without losing my life. Wink
Just finished testing:

1. The splash screen "configuring network" stays all the time. No console even after plenty minutes.
2. It does boot normal with ethernet connected!
3. Wifi works well too after booting, but still no boot if I unplug the ethernet cable.

josch Cool
if you removes eth0 from list of "auto" adapters?

(editing /etc/network/interfaces)
Yep, now it's booting without ethernet connected! Smile

Thats how /etc/network/interfaces now looks like:
auto lo

iface lo inet loopback
#iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

wpa-ssid Router
wpa-psk ************

iface default inet dhcp

That fix is working, but I'm interested in why this is necessary?
No problem if no one knows, I'm just asking for learning.

Thank you both!
if eth0 is flagged as auto, system will not consider networking up until eth0 will be configured. without cable attached this won't happen. making related services and jobs not start.
So maybe this should be skipped if eth0 won't come up. I can imagine that many users only use wlan0 and could be frustrated if the Pi won't boot after updating Xbian.
I mean, before the update there was no need edit something - it worked independently from eth0.

Have a nice day.

this is not something XBian developed. this is how system was designed for years. maybe this wasn't so visible before with linear sysvinit boot scripts, but is crucial for parallel processing with upstart.

also we were thinking of this possibility and that's why XBian will remove "auto" from eth0 if you configures wlan0 (in xbian-config CLI or XBMC). (eth0 will still be configured if cable is plugged in and there is link even without "auto" - but if it fails, it won't affect the process in any negative way).

another issue there is that due to BUG in debian scripts in previous release, eth0 was always being configured regardless of being or not "auto" what was masking / hiding this standard process with "auto" being important and made users not considering this as misconfiguration.

then with migration to upstart we had to consider somehow if auto should or shouldn't be added (if was missing) by update script as this correction of Debian BUG and not having "auto" on eth0 would hit significantly larger group of installations a leave them without networking.

maybe this happened to you. you configured wlan0, auto was taken from eth0 and all was fine. then auto came back. I will review xbian-update package for this part.

maybe you can in-between just confirm that xbian-update was installed during the update run when you realized after.
Thanks for information. That makes it more clear to me.
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