Every time when I restart XBIAN and XBMC is started then after a short period of time I get two messages. One asks me if I want to connect the removable drive, which I cannot answer because it is is displayed in a messagebox (right bottom of the TV screen) and then after a few seconds it tells me that the drive is succesfully removed. XBMC and therefor XBIAN keep on working fine, I just find it an odd message because I do not have a locally attached (USB) drive, only mapped networkdrives (SAMBA). Could it be related to the last mentioned network mappings?
maybe you mean the backup feature of XBian which works in the background by default, creating a snapshot every once in awhile (don't know how often by default). when the snapshot was created there is always a notfication toast message that looks like somebody disconnected a physical drive. maybe you can look at the name of the drive the next time you see this "strange" message. if it's something with xbian there is a good chance that this is actually the cron job (or sth.) for creating a snapshot.
don't take my word too serious, just wanted to help you a bit, hopefully I'm not completely wrong. Maybe you can tell us more about this popup message (I'm sure it doesn't actually asks you to do sth. immediately, because there is no way you could interact with this simple notification window) and eventually some guy of the XBian staff can give you a more professional answer ;-)
Cheers, freem@n
Hello freem@n,
(15th Jan, 2014 05:47 AM)freem@n Wrote: [ -> ]maybe you mean the backup feature of XBian which works in the background by default, creating a snapshot every once in awhile
Could be although the message itself doesn't say anything about this feature.
(15th Jan, 2014 05:47 AM)freem@n Wrote: [ -> ]don't take my word too serious, just wanted to help you a bit
Every bit of help is appreciated!
I will take a closer look at the notification and let you know.
It's nothing more that the standard XBMC notification message you get when a mount is made or unmounted.
You should see the same if you plug in a USB drive
it's nothing more that a Xbian system backup location being mounted and then unmounted and can be ignored.