Yesterday i ve got my raspberry pi

I ve got everything working now!
I can login with fillzilla but cant find my usb hdd any where....
On my rapberry i can find it.
Can someone please tell me where to look?
Your HDD will be located at /media/<Name of HDD>
Are you sure it is accessable? Check with "mount" and "df -h".
Also if the HDD is plugged directly into the RPi then it needs to have it's own power supply.
I am at work, when I am back I will boot up my pi right away! I can watch movie from my usb hdd (with separate power source) on my pi.
(3rd Feb, 2014 08:03 PM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]Your HDD will be located at /media/<Name of HDD>
Are you sure it is accessable? Check with "mount" and "df -h".
Also if the HDD is plugged directly into the RPi then it needs to have it's own power supply.
Last question, now I can sftp files from my pc to my usb hdd with filezilla but can't ftp.. poort 21 doesnt work, poort 22 works...
(3rd Jan, 1970 12:39 AM)trekdrop Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks!!
Last question, now I can sftp files from my pc to my usb hdd with filezilla but can't ftp.. poort 21 doesnt work, poort 22 works...
Sftp works standard on xbian (port 22).
FTP can be installed very easy with this
I use it always to transfer large files to my raspberry. Uses port 21 and is faster as Sftp.
I personally install pure-ftpd (apt-get install pure-ftpd) and use ftp like I used to.