I have a problem loading the xbian settings in system.
starting xbian settings dialog runs until 28% "loading package initialise" settings then stopps for some moments and then whole dialog just dissapeares..
Any suggestions
humm, i forgot my crystal ball. (funny way to say : I NEED LOG FILE).
but this problem has already be answered in other post.
wait for screen saver and try after or go to ssh and type
sudo xbian-config updates updatedb and try after.
I've the same problem but everyday that eth0 is down. xbian setting is trying to load packages, kernel, module and so on, but it cannot as eth0 is down, and i cannot access to net setting to make it going up
and everytime i've to reinstall all.
Can't you put eth0 and wlan0 out from xbian setting menu?
(7th Mar, 2014 01:19 AM)Tepepa Wrote: [ -> ]I've the same problem but everyday that eth0 is down. xbian setting is trying to load packages, kernel, module and so on, but it cannot as eth0 is down, and i cannot access to net setting to make it going up
and everytime i've to reinstall all.
Can't you put eth0 and wlan0 out from xbian setting menu?
No, i won't remove etho and wlan0, but prefer fix the bug if there's one

. (if it crash only when you haven't acces to net, i think it's already fixed on devel repo)
mine is on wifi and eth0 is always down, and it work.
but again, without debug enable and log file, i can't do nothing...
if you really want to remove,
remove NewtorkLabel,NetworkSetting from this line
I have a problem - can't enter Xbian config in System settings .
Fresh install Xbian 1.0 beta2, upgrade to 1.0RC1
All packages are updated.
I tried I tried xbian-config packages updatedb but with no sucess (output 1)
any ideas how to fix the problem ?
(13th Mar, 2014 03:43 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]Already been reported - see https://github.com/xbianonpi/xbian/issues/504
in my case problem is little different - it has nothing to do with internet connection.
I have also installed all updates.
I have made clean instalation of xbian twice, in two different ways.
the problem still exist

I think you miss your last sentence. Which should be
And the log file is here
(18th Mar, 2014 07:33 PM)belese Wrote: [ -> ]I think you miss your last sentence. Which should be
And the log file is here
sorry, I did not understand what I'd missed ?
could you please explain me from which file should I take a log ?
(18th Mar, 2014 08:53 PM)Mfox2010 Wrote: [ -> ] (18th Mar, 2014 07:33 PM)belese Wrote: [ -> ]I think you miss your last sentence. Which should be
And the log file is here
sorry, I did not understand what I'd missed ?
could you please explain me from which file should I take a log ?
check my signature (how to post a log file).
i need the xbmc log (enable debug in xbmc) locate in /home/xbian/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log
XBian version: 1.0 RC 1
XBMC version: 12.2 GIT 29131125-d1002b4 (Compiled Jan 6 2014)
Overclock settings: xbian default
Power supply rating: 1000 mah
RPi model (model A/B 256mb/512mb): B/512
SD card size and make/type: 8GB GoodRam
Network (wireless or LAN):LAN
Connected devices (TV, USB, network storage, etc.): TV Sony Bravia
log file is attached.
debug mode starts from line 270
Problem description:
Can't enter xbian config from Xbian menu
How to reproduce:
enter xbian config from Xbian menu
ok, it's always the same recurrent bug,
i've to check more, but as it's not happen all the time, it's not easy to find.
if you let screen saver for ten minutes (or more) and try after, is it working?
(19th Mar, 2014 04:47 AM)belese Wrote: [ -> ]ok, it's always the same recurrent bug,
i've to check more, but as it's not happen all the time, it's not easy to find.
if you let screen saver for ten minutes (or more) and try after, is it working?
unfortunatelly a trick with screen saver doesn't work.
at my installation the bug occures every time I try to enter xbian config
i can't reproduce it.
can you enable debug log in xbmc and repost log. from memory, it should be under settings->system->debug.
i've seen same error on other log too. it should be a stupid bug, but i don't find it.
i suspect something in the bash api, but need debug log to confirm
new log is attached.
I've entered xbian config at 20.46 (line 1275)
think it should be easy to reproduce the bug. I've made clean install using windows installer (1.0 beta 2). Then update&upgrade from ssh menu (two or three times - after first update not all packages are updated properly). And there is a bug.
thanks for help