After hours of configuration the only way I could configure NFS was beeing root.
I start Xbian as root with this command:
sudo /usr/local/lib/xbmc/xbmc.bin --standalone
This was the only way to acces NFS[/term].
I reeboted and the user changed again.
How can I boot as root automaticly?
Sorry about my horrible english

on NFS server edit exports and add "insecure" options. this will accept connections from unprivileged port (NFS sessions opened by not root user).
if this is not an option, then you can change xbian's effective userid to 0 or change user in /etc/init/xbmc.conf
(16th Mar, 2014 08:05 AM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]if this is not an option, then you can change xbian's effective userid to 0 or change user in /etc/init/xbmc.conf
Could you explain how to change the user's id? Can't seem to find it in the file you mentioned.
Some background: Synology changed something in their new DSM 5 firmware and now newly created nfs-shares don't work with the old instructions on the XBMC-wiki. Some users have had good experience with user-id, but I've not been able to work it out.
you can simply edit /etc/password and /etc/shadow and hard edit current 1000:1000 to 0:0
but before try more proper way:
root@xbcubox:~# usermod -a -G 0 xbian
root@xbcubox:~# su xbian
xbian@xbcubox /root $ id
uid=1001(xbian) gid=1002(xbian) groups=1002(xbian),0(root),7(lp),27(sudo),29(audio),44(video),100(users),112(pulse),1000(input)
Problem was me all the time

My NFS wasn't allowing my RPi getting its subfolders because its IP was wrongly set...
no problem.
the point is you got it solved.