
Full Version: Transmission doesn't detect real available size
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Hi everyone! I use Xbian now for a year, and I really like it. Mostly because it is easy to use (the easy setup of wifi, Transmission...), and provides me with a little mediacenter to watch some movies on the TV.

But for a few months I have a problem with Transmission. I use Sickbeard to automatically download some episodes when they are released. I don't use its post-proccess functions, I only want him to fetch the torrent of the episode and send it to Transmission. So after watching my episode, I delete it. Usually, I delete with the option in Remote Transmission for Android ( which gives me an option to also delete files with the torrent) or Transmission Qt for Windows, which also gives the option to delete files with the torrent. But I also delete them with a classic rm in the terminal.

So when I do this, files seem to be removed. A ls shows them deleted. But when I do a df -h, there isn't more space available. I read some things about "ghosts" files, and rebooted a lot of times, but nothing changed. And du gives me another thing. For example, now on my 8Go SD, df -h returns on rootfs for a size of 7.2G, I use 5.9G and 973M is free. But when I launch du -ch, I have a total of 957M. The last result looks more real, because now I don't have anything excepted the base Xbian with its programs. I recently downloaded some episodes of a few gigabytes. I wouldn't care if Transmission didn't report the fake available size, and won't stop its downloads.

I think that Transmission use the df command to know available space, because df reports 973M free and Transmission on its web interface reports 1.01 Gb, which is the same.

I finally think that there is something with links, hard or soft, made by Transmission or Sickbeard. I gotta try next time to firstly remove the torrent from Transmission and then delete the files with rm. But now, I must format my 8 Gb SD card every month.

Thanks in advance for your help, and thank you for your work!
This is caused by keeping some filesystem history for easy restore or rollbacks. You can turn then off via XBMC-CONFIG in XBMC or via editing file /etc/default/xbian-snap and setting ENABLEDAPT to "no". then remove existing snpshots like this:
btrfs-auto-snapshot list | grep -v @$ | xargs -L1 btrfs-auto-snapshot destroy

as soon as they are removed, filesystem workers will in few minutes free all the relevant space.

Thanks for your answer! I disabled the snapshots in xbian-snap, then tried to use the command you showed me. But the command isn't found. And today I tried to remove an episode downloaded with Sickbeard and Transmission properly, I removed the torrent from Transmission, then made sudo rm -rf myFile, rebooted and it still used the same place before I removed the file. :/

What shall I do?

you have to run it under root privileges. because of pipes etc, enter sudo before
sudo -i
btrfs-auto-snapshot list | grep -v @$ | xargs -L1 btrfs-auto-snapshot destroy

the command has to be there as it the same which is creating snapshots.
Thanks, it worked! I only tried with sudo btrfs...
It freed almost 2Gb! Thank you and have a nice day!
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