
Full Version: WinSCP cannot change the config.txt file
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I want replace the changed file /boot/config.txt on my raspberry pi with WinSCP.
I get always the message Error code: 3, Error Message from Server : Permission denied.
My login is the standard xbian login.
It is possible, i have no rights for this action? If yes, how can I this rights?

Many thanks.
(27th Apr, 2014 08:59 PM)forumarbeit Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

I want replace the changed file /boot/config.txt on my raspberry pi with WinSCP.
I get always the message Error code: 3, Error Message from Server : Permission denied.
My login is the standard xbian login.
It is possible, i have no rights for this action? If yes, how can I this rights?

Many thanks.

Ok I have set a new root password on XBIAN-OS and make in WinSCP a root - Login Profil user:root and new changed passwort.

Now I could replaced the file.
Thanks for posting the solution.....

I will try on my pi soon, had same problem before......


it is not "problem" in means of bug. the chain of events leading to that is fact that /boot partition is fat. fat has no ACLs and by default is mounted with "fake" ownership = owner root.

it can be changed via mountoptions in /etc/fstab for /boot to xbian, which would allow xbian RW access to /boot. it is "uid=value and gid=value".

but probably better solution is to set "umask=0". (just add it into /etc/fstab line which starts /dev/mmcblk0p1. change rw,noatime to rw,noatime,umask=0.

umount /boot && mount /boot .
now anyone should be able to RW into /boot

(umask=0 will not change owner - this stays root. but will allow RWX permissions for owner also owner group and also - our case - other users).
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