(9th Oct, 2014 04:54 PM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]the message about disconnecting anynet+ device is natural for Samsungs. nothing bad is hapenning, just the TV is sending proper CEC command to CEC bus about "Routing change" what means devices should update their info what source will be active (TV in your case) and that XBMC is not AS anymore.
(so on samsung it MUST appear always on changing sources - if all the devices with TV have proper CEC comm established. if Samusng wont display this - then it is bad and it means TV do not consider the inputs you are switching as properly working CEC devices).
OK - sounds reasonable.
But that means: that's just way it is when reconnecting to the HDMI2 port on the Samsung? I have to manually reconnect?
(9th Oct, 2014 04:54 PM)zkiifreak Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, first impression after reboot (removed the hdmi_force_hotplug=1):
The TV and Denon AVR was both off. Now, the TV turned on... (Rebooted by doing a sudo reboot while the TV was off). Good / bad ???? Bad in my opinion as a random reboot in the middle of the night will turn on the TV.
if hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1 helps with that for your TV, use it. that setting is not affecting anything else.
(9th Oct, 2014 05:05 PM)zkiifreak Wrote: [ -> ]OK - sounds reasonable.
But that means: that's just way it is when reconnecting to the HDMI2 port on the Samsung? I have to manually reconnect?
no no don't be afraid. it should work as you expect so XBMC should be listed between list of available sources and just choosing it TV should still remember correct info (that XBMC is PA 2100) should switch out of TV channels to HDMI2, should display the info on screen about Connecting Anynet+ device this time, XBMC should appear and RC should become active on XBMC within 1-2s after.
(9th Oct, 2014 05:05 PM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ] (9th Oct, 2014 04:54 PM)zkiifreak Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, first impression after reboot (removed the hdmi_force_hotplug=1):
The TV and Denon AVR was both off. Now, the TV turned on... (Rebooted by doing a sudo reboot while the TV was off). Good / bad ???? Bad in my opinion as a random reboot in the middle of the night will turn on the TV.
if hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1 helps with that for your TV, use it. that setting is not affecting anything else.
Hmm, nothing helps

Tried combinations of the hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1 and hdmi_force_hotplug=1, and the TV still turns on when rebooting (and the Denon AVR is off)... Maybe it has just been this way always?
EDIT: Observation; it does not matter if the last source on the TV/Denon AVR was different from the RPi. It starts the TV anyway and connects to the HDMI-CEC source (which in turn does not display anything as the Denon AVR is off... Turning it on displays XBMC and the CEC is connected)
(9th Oct, 2014 05:14 PM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]display the info on screen about Connecting Anynet+ device this time, XBMC should appear and RC should become active on XBMC within 1-2s after.
Does not happen

Anything I can do to help you?
just checked detailed specs of your denon and looks like we have winner. your denon is HDMI1.1 compatible. with HDMI1.1 CEC was only on paper and its implementation into products started only with HDMI1.3. also HDMI1.3a introduced real CEC "switches" and new rules about some CEC commands handling (incompatible with pre 1.3 standard).
CEC 1.3a specs documentation states at very beginning that pre-1.2 devices are 'obsolete', incompatible and it's use even as HDMI switches should be avoided. so you can buy a nice Yamaha, or connect RPI directly to TV and route audio to Denon via toslink.
last idea what I have:
if Denon allows to disable its CEC, try it - maybe it wont be breaking the CEC traffic anymore.
(9th Oct, 2014 10:11 PM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]@zilexa
just checked detailed specs of your denon and looks like we have winner. your denon is HDMI1.1 compatible. with HDMI1.1 CEC was only on paper and its implementation into products started only with HDMI1.3. also HDMI1.3a introduced real CEC "switches" and new rules about some CEC commands handling (incompatible with pre 1.3 standard).
CEC 1.3a specs documentation states at very beginning that pre-1.2 devices are 'obsolete', incompatible and it's use even as HDMI switches should be avoided. so you can buy a nice Yamaha, or connect RPI directly to TV and route audio to Denon via toslink.
last idea what I have:
if Denon allows to disable its CEC, try it - maybe it wont be breaking the CEC traffic anymore.
Assuming you mean me [WINKING FACE]
Ok, makes sense then.
Audio through toslink from TV; that'll require the TV to be turned on... Better the current situation than having to turn on the TV to listen to music. I don't think that many reboots occur in the middle of the night [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]
Thanks for the huge effort!!!!!
You're gold!
you are welcome. at least the "spotaneous" PA changes will be fixed (not related to your denon at all).
and what about HDMI spitter ? I have the feeling someone was solving similar case here and now those splitters are fine as the passthrough (to TV) is CEC aware and the part going to AVR has just audio one way routed ...
and it was like 15-20usd.
(9th Oct, 2014 10:58 PM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]@zkiifreak
you are welcome. at least the "spotaneous" PA changes will be fixed (not related to your denon at all).
and what about HDMI spitter ? I have the feeling someone was solving similar case here and now those splitters are fine as the passthrough (to TV) is CEC aware and the part going to AVR has just audio one way routed ...
and it was like 15-20usd.
Hi mk91
Sorry for the delayed answer. It took me some time to figure out what you meant

But now I'm there with you

Anyways, is a splitter really necesarry? Doesn't a split-cable suffice? Like
http://www.dx.com/p/hdmi-to-2-hdmi-split-y-cable-30-5cm-21761#.VEC4rOkcSM8 ... Or are these split-cables dummies that does not understand CEC?
Hello friends in misfortune :-)
I have a similar problem, I will describe in more detail:
TV = Philips 42PFL6877T support HDMI CEC (EazyLink = Enable)
Raspberry Pi 3B + (XBian 18.1) on HDMI1
HDMI 2.0 cable
libCEC 4.0.4 default settings - when you turn on the TV rpi3 does not turn on, the same situation when you turn off.
If I add: "When you turn off the TV RPi3 = Turn off", then when you turn off the TV, RPi3 turns off, but when you turn on the TV, RPi3 does not turn on
how to make RPi3 turn on when you turn on the TV
Anynet CEC works quite well on my Samsung UE 75H6470. It must be activated in the TV menu.
Only sometimes he does not find devices.
Then only pull plug or restart TV.