Hi everyone, have a question, how can i see the version of the installer that i want to use? got a blank select on my mac

. Do i made something wrong (downloaded and opened)?
Tried with the windows version and got the same trouble

. i think is the server connection or something like that.
There's another way can i install to my SD Drive the xbian image?
Aha, for the future: with dd on OS X, using rdisk (raw access) instead of disk is faster (/dev/disk3 -> /dev/rdisk3).
I have the same problem in windows, It doesn't show any version in the installer. I can use win32 disk imager to mount it on my sd.
But anyone knows why it doesn't show any version?
The same issue affects all installers (Linux, OS X, Windows), as they share the same code base. We've fixed it, but are waiting for some team member to compile it as most of us run OS X.
(I've built it for OS X, but it comes without icon - not sure why, I don't have any experience in Qt programming.)
In linux mint, usb recorder images by default (mintstick), works perfectly.