
Full Version: Linux installer not working
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Under Ubuntu 14.04 64bit live the installer seems not starting from the desktop, instead it creates a file containing weird characters.

Running the same from command line generates weird characters inside terminal printing some Unknown instructions.

I switched to Windows installer.
(31st Jul, 2014 01:59 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]Possibly related to

Actually no window opens up, as I said only a file with junk filename gets created alongside the binary.
Same error here: Ubuntu 14.04 32bit

It is exactly as rlogiacco says but, in my case, the name of that junk file ends with: "(invalid codification)"
The output of the terminal when run ./XBian-installer is:
bash: ./XBian-installer: cannot execute binary file: Executable format incorrect

Somebody may checkout this issue.
guys, have you seen the other thread?

edit:also I closed this outdated thread, so please move your further concerns and discussion in mentioned thread. Thank you
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