4th Aug, 2014, 04:31 AM
After moving my root filesystem over an external USB drive I was performing some configuration task and just by accident I saw this line logged by dmesg
I then checked if that message had any correspondence and, to my surprise:
Now, my cmdline.txt has the following directives related to swap:
I believe the latter partswap is the source of my problems as I don/t have a swap partition on my USB disk, I thought a swap file would do.
I'm going to eliminate the swappart directive, but in case it is not going to solve... where do I specify the zswap configuration? I have nothing relevant in my /etc/fstab....
As I supposed, removing partswap didn't help and removing noswap made the swap partition on sd card get inited at boot.
Humm, I believe I've got some progress on this... Inside /etc/init/zram-swap.conf I've found
I belive I will have to modify this script or remove the swap partition on the SD card to avoid to have it loaded....
On a second thought though having the swap file/partition ona different device than root fs should not be that bad: my only concern is about life expectancy of the SD card... but if I understand zswap it should activate the swap partition only when really needed... Am I wrong on this?
[77395.117621] Adding 250876k swap on /dev/mmcblk0p3. Priority:0 extents:1 across:250876k SSFS
I then checked if that message had any correspondence and, to my surprise:
$ sudo swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/mmcblk0p3 partition 250876 144 0
Now, my cmdline.txt has the following directives related to swap:
zswap.enabled=1 zswap.compressor=lz4 noswap partswap
I believe the latter partswap is the source of my problems as I don/t have a swap partition on my USB disk, I thought a swap file would do.
I'm going to eliminate the swappart directive, but in case it is not going to solve... where do I specify the zswap configuration? I have nothing relevant in my /etc/fstab....
As I supposed, removing partswap didn't help and removing noswap made the swap partition on sd card get inited at boot.
Humm, I believe I've got some progress on this... Inside /etc/init/zram-swap.conf I've found
SWAPPART="$(blkid -t TYPE=swap | grep -v 'zram\|loop'| awk -F':' '{print $1}')"
if [ -z "$SWAPPART" ]; then
I belive I will have to modify this script or remove the swap partition on the SD card to avoid to have it loaded....
On a second thought though having the swap file/partition ona different device than root fs should not be that bad: my only concern is about life expectancy of the SD card... but if I understand zswap it should activate the swap partition only when really needed... Am I wrong on this?