
Full Version: Cannot get XBIAN installed
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Hi All,
Noob here.
I have been playing with my RPi for about a month now, having fun. I have tried Raspian, Openelec, RaspBMC, all without problems. Now I'm trying to load Xbian and I cannot get it to work !
I load the image on the SD card, put it in the RPi, and it starts to boot, runs through all of the necessary processes, then goes to RESIZE, and REBOOT, and at this point it just hangs and never actually reboots.
I have tried Xbian 1.4 and 1.3, with same results.
I have also tried several different SD cards.
Anyone know what is going on here ? It just can't seem to get past the the REBOOT after the RESIZE.


Do you see any error message?
What is the size of the sd card?
i've got the same, but only one time,
kernel panic after resize boot (don't have anymore the details)
didin't find a file init something (dont remember the exact name)
reinstall same DL on same SD, and everything go fine
(12th Jan, 2013 04:33 PM)raspberry_pd Wrote: [ -> ]Do you see any error message?

No, just a black screen.

(12th Jan, 2013 08:46 PM)brantje Wrote: [ -> ]What is the size of the sd card?

I have several of them, and have tried them all with no luck ( they all work fine with openelec, raspbian, and raspbmc )
Before the first boot, can you try this /boot/cmdline.txt:
dwc_otg.fiq_fix_enable=1 sdhci-bcm2708.sync_after_dma=0 dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait
Let me know what the last message is you see.
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