I remember that some time ago XBMC was a service and I could restart it with service xbmc restart. Now it seems to me that it's not anymore. So, how do I restart it without restarting the whole system?
'Restart' appears to have a problem.
To get around this you need to do a 'sudo service xbmc stop' and then 'sudo service xbmc start'.
Hope this helps.
My question was: is xbmc still a service? Because I use the autocompletion and xbmc doesn't autocomplete after service as, for example, trannsmission or samba. If I write sudo service and then I type two ctrl it lists all the services and xbmc is not there
I'm still on xbian 1.0RC2 and I don't want to upgrade because I had the non starting xbmc problem.
That is probably because it is an Upstart job rather than a SysVinit service. ("Proper" Upstart commands are shorter though: "sudo stop xbmc", "sudo start xbmc".)
restart xbmc is rather upstart terminology problem.
"restart" handles special jobs.
"reload" is the term we are looking for. so "reload xbmc".
Thanks, I'm stuck to the old knowledge of debian.
Is there any news about the upgrade from 1.0RC2? Are all the issues solved?
re-enable snapshots on apt if disabled, upgrade. if anything wrong, rollback.
what you got to loose? max 1h of RPI cpu cycles (if too many updates

I have RC2 without modification, snapshots should be enabled. How do I check it? And how do I rollback? Which command?