21st Dec, 2014, 12:35 AM
XBian version: 1.0RC3
XBMC version: 13.2 Git:20140901-867305b
Overclock settings: Xbian profile (840Mhz)
Power supply rating: 5V 3A
RPi model (model A/B 256mb/512mb): B+ 512mb
SD card size and make/type: Kingston 8GB microSD
Network (wireless or LAN): LAN
Connected devices (TV, USB, network storage, etc.): RPi using 1 usb connected to 1 externally powered usb hub (7ports) connected to: 1 Seagate USB 2.0 Expansion 2TB, 1 Samsung SATA 320GB drive in USB 3.0 enclosure, 1 Logitech USB wireless combo (kb + mouse)
Config files:
Problem description:
The RPi isn't visible on the network. I cannot browse its shares from Windows 8.1, Windows 7, mobile devices etc.
Typing the IP into windows explorer as \\\ allows me to see the 3 shares: Movies, TV Shows and Shared.
\\\Expansion and \\\Samsung are hidden, as expected, but can be accessed.
Trying to access via \\hostname\ doesn't work.
Samba in pure Raspbian worked right out of the box. I was able to configure my shares just the way I want them.
I don't really know how to use this 'net' command to configure these, so I tried editing the user.conf file.
Also, I wanted to remove access to the initial shares, that's why I commented out shares.conf.
I added the samba user by using 'sudo smbpasswd -a alex'.
Basically, I need to be able to browse to \\atum\ from my windows laptop.
Could my problem be related to how Xbian handles SMB shares (the net command I'm unfamiliar with) ?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any help,
XBian version: 1.0RC3
XBMC version: 13.2 Git:20140901-867305b
Overclock settings: Xbian profile (840Mhz)
Power supply rating: 5V 3A
RPi model (model A/B 256mb/512mb): B+ 512mb
SD card size and make/type: Kingston 8GB microSD
Network (wireless or LAN): LAN
Connected devices (TV, USB, network storage, etc.): RPi using 1 usb connected to 1 externally powered usb hub (7ports) connected to: 1 Seagate USB 2.0 Expansion 2TB, 1 Samsung SATA 320GB drive in USB 3.0 enclosure, 1 Logitech USB wireless combo (kb + mouse)
Config files:
Code: localhost atum
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
multi on
path = /home/xbian
guest ok = yes
read only = no
force user = xbian
browseable = yes
path = /home/xbian/.xbmc
guest ok = yes
read only = no
force user = xbian
browseable = yes
path = /var/log
guest ok = yes
read only = yes
force user = root
browseable = yes
# USE 'net' (man net).
server string = atum
guest ok = yes
security = user
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=65535 SO_SNDBUF=65535
registry shares = yes
syslog = 0
map to guest = bad user
workgroup = WORKGROUP
bind interfaces only = No
encrypt passwords = true
log level = 0
# smb ports = 445
unix extensions = No
wide links = yes
include = /etc/samba/user.conf
# include = /etc/samba/shares.conf
comment = Expansion
path = /media/Expansion
valid users = alex
force create mode = 755
force directory mode = 755
writeable = yes
browseable = no
comment = Samsung
path = /media/Samsung
valid users = alex
force create mode = 755
force directory mode = 755
writeable = yes
browseable = no
comment = Movies
path = /media/Expansion/MOVIES
force create mode = 755
force directory mode = 755
writeable = yes
[TV Shows]
comment = TV Shows
path = /media/Expansion/TV SHOWS
force create mode = 755
force directory mode = 755
writeable = yes
comment = Shared
path = /media/Expansion/Shared
force create mode = 755
force directory mode = 755
writeable = yes
Problem description:
The RPi isn't visible on the network. I cannot browse its shares from Windows 8.1, Windows 7, mobile devices etc.
Typing the IP into windows explorer as \\\ allows me to see the 3 shares: Movies, TV Shows and Shared.
\\\Expansion and \\\Samsung are hidden, as expected, but can be accessed.
Trying to access via \\hostname\ doesn't work.

Samba in pure Raspbian worked right out of the box. I was able to configure my shares just the way I want them.
I don't really know how to use this 'net' command to configure these, so I tried editing the user.conf file.
Also, I wanted to remove access to the initial shares, that's why I commented out shares.conf.
I added the samba user by using 'sudo smbpasswd -a alex'.
Basically, I need to be able to browse to \\atum\ from my windows laptop.
Could my problem be related to how Xbian handles SMB shares (the net command I'm unfamiliar with) ?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any help,