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So I have installed my Msata SSD and copied over other distros to the msata ssd
it appears xbian uses a different uboot setup
using boot.scr and boot.scr.txt than other distros

once dumping a copy of mmcblk0p2 to /dev/sda1
how do i setup xbian to boot from my copy as it differs greatly from other solidrun distros and differs from raspberry pi

if i edit boot.scr.txt to use /dev/sda1 as root drive i see no impact on boot selected drive

if i edit boot.scr it breaks boot completely

//edit for those who want to know
mkdir /media/temp
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/temp
cd /media/temp
nano boot.scr.txt

locate the line that defines /dev/mmcblk0p2 as boot and change it to your /dev/sd*** partition
ctrl+x to close
y then enter to save


mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -n "U-Boot commands" -d boot.scr.txt boot.scr

that should rewrite your boot.scr to be able to let uboot now boot with /dev/sd** as your main partition therefore completing a solidstate msata drive install

actually RPI doesn't differ that much at all - RPI is still avoiding the .dtb (as required since 3.14) and Popcornmix still maintains all the device infos as includes with configs (as imx6 at the times of 3.0.35.
(but if you check raspi kernel development RPI is moving towards that already).

also RPI is hiding all the stuff (for instance boot process) behind binary blobs and hidden fw.

but at the end, only what matters is THE ONE command line editable by you.
booting via boot script is no deviation, on the contrary - uboot by default prefers script.scr over uEnv.txt. if you prefer uEnv.txt, create it and remove script.scr. XBian will boot with no issue.

btw: directly on /boot there is "mks" script which will do the mkimage for you. also, it is called during RUNLEVEL[06] and compiles the boot.scr.txt into uboot format automatically (if needed).

what you call deviation allows us since first img released in Jan 2014:
- resize partitions automatically
- create swap partitions automatically
- it provides recovery console for you for ROOT maintenance or similar accessible via network and telnet.
- it supports booting from rootfs on ANY device seen by kernel in any raid / or partition type configuration
(including NFS, ZFS, ...)
- it takes care of SPL and uboot updates automatically (also since day 1). so XBian user was never confronted with this never ending frustrations.

all that the same way as it provided for RPI. just by setting root= and rootflags= and rootfstype=

(and still your uEnv.txt will work after you remove script.scr)
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