Hi guys,
I have installed xbian on my raspberryPi. When I change source on TV and leave it
for some time idle when I swich back to xbian screen is blank. I thought that it is maybe
screen server but then I connected to raspberryPi and could see that xbmc service is stopped. Last night I left navi-x to download some movies and in the morning same thing. Why is that? How to prevent this?
Could you post your /home/xbian/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log after this has happend? ( post it on pastebin.com and link it here)
this could be triggered by CEC
please check under System>Settings>System>Input devices>Peripherals>Raspberry Pi CEC
check your settings and change if required,test and report back

(16th Jan, 2013 06:08 PM)Koenkk Wrote: [ -> ]Could you post your /home/xbian/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log after this has happend? ( post it on pastebin.com and link it here)
(16th Jan, 2013 08:04 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]this could be triggered by CEC
please check under System>Settings>System>Input devices>Peripherals>Raspberry Pi CEC
check your settings and change if required,test and report back 

I have disabled it and it did not help.
xbmc does not stop any more
so what have you done ?
I understand you have no more issues ?
I have downloaded 'download' package, disabled settings you wrote and restart xbmc after last stop. When I got home after couple hours xbmc was working. Let's see how it will behave in next few days.
Txn for help dough..
Does it stop always at the same time?
(18th Jan, 2013 01:57 AM)brantje Wrote: [ -> ]Does it stop always at the same time?
It do not know.
I do not know where to put it so I will here. Moderator can move the post.
I was searching for some TV shows in icefilm. In one moment xbmc crashed.
here is the trace: