
Full Version: Kernel Panic - not syncing: fatal exception
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What was your overclock set to? And what is it now?
(27th Feb, 2015 02:17 AM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]What was your overclock set to? And what is it now?

i changed this from

950 ARM
450 CORE
2 Overvolt


900 ARM
333 CORE
0 Overvolt
Ok, so now I arrived home after work and the Pi is nowhere to be seen in the network. Everything else is working fine.
The only error I see in kodi.log is:
18:57:05 T:3034968064 ERROR: Dbus: Error org.freedesktop.UDisks.Error.PermissionDenied - Not Authorized
19:17:20 T:2759848976 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.

Any other logs I can look at?

So here is the dmesg output:

There are a couple of errors but I can't asses their severity or if they're related to a LAN failure.
Hope it helps tho!
It appears you have a potentially severe disk issue, see this thread about a similar GPT issue:
Disk, as in external disk or SD card?
Could this cause the network fail?
External drive.

You can wait until the next kernel comes out (I activated a USB feature that may help) or try downgrading the kernel.
Ok, I think I will upgrade to the next kernel, and report back when the time comes.
Thanks a lot!
I have the same problem with XBian on Raspi 2, which I can reproduce even on the untouched original image (i.e., without installing anything or mounting network drives).
It typically appears 20-30 hours after not having touched the Raspi. OpenElec runs fine (at least for 35 hours now). I have a 2A charger (from Nexus 7 tablet), and no rainbow icon is shown.

As the crashes occur in sleep mode, it seems that the overclocking settings affect the sleep states.
What are the regular, non-overclocked settings for the Pi2?
I've been very busy lately so a bunch of updates.
First, like one week ago I got another external hard drive failure. I attach the dmesg log.
And yesterday I got another kernel panic. Photo attached. I apologize for the background image that makes it difficult to read.
What is on sda1 and sda2?

From that screenshot that is a btrfs panic which is different than the other panics I jave seen.
(14th Mar, 2015 10:22 AM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]What is on sda1 and sda2?

From that screenshot that is a btrfs panic which is different than the other panics I jave seen.

This is the output of sudo blkid

sudo blkid
[sudo] password for xbian:
/dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="xbianboot" UUID="394B-4E95" TYPE="vfat"
/dev/mmcblk0p2: LABEL="xbian" UUID="c7db0049-ae21-4ec8-a3b8-40b08f04c173" UUID_SUB="7f47877d-e9b4-4aca-87c4-394e423d508a" TYPE="btrfs"
/dev/mmcblk0p3: UUID="c4e79c35-73a6-4d3d-83dc-9f86bb9c153d" TYPE="swap"
/dev/root: LABEL="xbian" UUID="c7db0049-ae21-4ec8-a3b8-40b08f04c173" UUID_SUB="7f47877d-e9b4-4aca-87c4-394e423d508a" TYPE="btrfs"
/dev/sdb1: LABEL="EFI" UUID="70D6-1701" TYPE="vfat"
/dev/sdb2: LABEL="SERIEATOR" UUID="FC39-1E17" TYPE="vfat"
(14th Mar, 2015 10:22 AM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]What is on sda1 and sda2?

From that screenshot that is a btrfs panic which is different than the other panics I jave seen.

Since i have a similiar problem (on other thread) i'm posting my latest kernel panic photo here... i hope you can give me some help.
Could you post that picture to github with @mk01 in the post, he knows a lot more than I about btrfs.
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