
Full Version: Webserver on Port 80 - failed to start
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I'm using the latest build of xbian on an Raspberry B with basic overclocking.
I need to enable the Webserver on port 80. Everytime I configure the Port with 2 char's, the Webserver fails to start. 4 char's are working. 8080 or 8881 is working fine. 80 or 88 not.
Tried it on the gui and config file.

Port 80 isn't in use, checked that with netstat -ntlp

any ideas?!

thank you!

edit: posted in the wrong forum, already reported, sry
Ports below 1024 are "privileged" and need the process to run as root - see
On XBian Kodi runs as an user process.
thank you, I know these ports are "privileged" but not that they can only run as root.
My System is closed, without any internet access, so I take the risk and grant my user root rights, that should work.


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