hello guys,
I'm trying to boot the xbian on my raspberry b, and can't do.
I tried some sd cards I have here, but none of them could work. I've formated my sd card using sdformater and with others systems, I can boot.
It's a problem with my sd or something?
What can I try?
how did you install? did you use any of our installers?
(18th Apr, 2015 02:48 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]how did you install? did you use any of our installers?
and I tried again again choosing the last stable version and it worked. I'm gonna check if it works with other sd cards I have.
Same problem here. Xbian Latest creates xbianboot partition with config.txt only - tried it with 3 different SD cards. Xbian Stable puts all required files to xbianboot and it boots properly.
P.S. Tried with XBian_2015.04.18_rpi.img.gz and had same problem - config.txt only.
P.S2. Just noticed another difference. XBian_2015.04.18_rpi.img.gz and XBian_Latest_rpi.img.gz are 177mb while "Stable" image is over 280mb. It's my first contact with Xbian, so maybe I'm not aware and those smaller files are just upgrades.
I also used the windows installer last night on Latest_ . Put the "config.txt" file in boot & nothing else, so will not boot. I have been trying to get an updated install running for the past 3 weeks. I did not bother looking at those sd cards, probably the same out come. It is sad, since we might be loosing XBian users, since it will not install.
Same thing happened to me yesterday. Tried installing XBian_2015.04.25_rpi.img and XBian_2015.04.18_rpi.img with the official Xbian Installer and the Pi doesn't boot.
The "Stable" image works fine.
Same problem here with a Model B+. The "latest stable" version is not in the repository. I tried with all these versions:
XBian_2015.04.25_rpi.img.gz - Not working
XBian_2015.04.18_rpi.img.gz - Not working
XBian_2015.04.11_rpi.img.gz - Not working
XBian_2015.04.04_rpi.img.gz - Working!!
I installed all using the official installer and mounting the images by myself. Same results.
Hope you can fix this.

(4th May, 2015 01:31 AM)jaimek16 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
Same problem here with a Model B+. The "latest stable" version is not in the repository. I tried with all these versions:
XBian_2015.04.25_rpi.img.gz - Not working
XBian_2015.04.18_rpi.img.gz - Not working
XBian_2015.04.11_rpi.img.gz - Not working
XBian_2015.04.04_rpi.img.gz - Working!!
I installed all using the official installer and mounting the images by myself. Same results.
Hope you can fix this.
I've got 2 pi's one model B and a B+, I updated both of them today and kodi wouldn't start anymore, so I tried the official installer and got the same results that you all, they won't boot, I hope they can fix this, because my baby girl won't be getting her movies for now

Why isn't this fixed? Why no feedback?
Same for me: doesn't work.
XBian_2015.04.04_rpi.img.gz - Working!! is last working "img" so use that for now. I believe some one is working/looking at it, as the download links have changed a bit.
I think that you can safely install latest stable version and then update inside Xbian. It should be the same as installing latest img.
True, needs to be more serious guys.
Why these releases are online if they don't work?
They have been removed and it's under investigation.