
Full Version: IR "buffer" full
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I've downloaded latest xbian, updated what could be updated and configured lirc and it works, but only the first 8-10 key presses on the remote. Then I need to wait, 2-5 seconds before another keypress works. the longer I wait, the more buttons work until a "buffer" is full again. So, if pressing buttons very slowly and waiting 2-5 seconds between, then problem never occours.

I've tested this on two different receivers: Built in receiver on Solidrun (cubox) (Name: gpio_ir_recv) + hp media center USB device (Name: Media Center Ed. eHome Infrared). Same problem with both receivers.

Remote is the standard microsoft mce style.

Downloaded and compiled latest LIRC (0.9.3-devel) - Same issue. Problem with some settings within the kernel xbian uses?

Anyone else seen this or know what's going on?

This indeed seems a kernel issue. Can you post on github?
(18th Jun, 2015 12:16 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]This indeed seems a kernel issue. Can you post on github?

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