I'm also having such a heavy bone which I was using for controlling XBMC many many years ago.
But I've decided never ever touch this piece of hardware again - makes IMO no sense

(28th Feb, 2016 08:48 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]I'm also having such a heavy bone which I was using for controlling XBMC many many years ago.
But I've decided never ever touch this piece of hardware again - makes IMO no sense 
I guess it makes sense :-)
It's just it was laying there, and I though, maybe I can make a use of it.
Maybe you're right. If I have much time and can remember where my old configs for this remote are I can post it here
The easiest way IMO is to use ir-keytable, just a good implementation without the hassle of lirc.
@Imad Safieddine
Never Say Never Again
I modified package xbian-package-lirc to make X10 based RC's working again.
New packages are available in staging repo, so for testing please enable staging repo in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbian.list and update
kernel and
lirc package.
Some additional notes:
- USB Transmitter X10 will be autodetected. So make sure that transmitter is connected before starting lirc
- lirc package is providing a special X10 Lircmap.xml. It will be copied during start of lirc to /home/xbian/.kodi/userdata if no user defined Lircmap.xml already exists
- By adding some helpful messages you can control if autodetection is working by watching file /var/log/upstart/lirc.log. It should look like this
cat /var/log/upstart/lirc.log
*** LIRC hardware (autodetected) ***
Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC
Thank you very much!
I own this beauty:
and I have no money to change it.
You saved me.
However, there are some mistakes in the key mapping
Volume up and volume down are inverted
The "mute" key is not working, the "A" key mutes.
Please make changes as follows:
1) Set X10 type in file
# In case of X10 remotes please set this variable
# to x10-atiwonder, x10-medion or x10-or32e
There are many X10 remotes with different keymappings. So you have to define which one you have
2) Change name of remote in file
Unfortunately there is typo in device name. So X10-ATIREMOTE has to be changed into X10-ATIWONDER
Quote:# brand: ATI Remote Wonder
# model no. of remote control: 5000023600
# devices being controlled by this remote: ATI USB Receiver
# Found on a linpvr.org forum, thanks.
begin remote
bits 40
eps 30
aeps 100
one 0 0
zero 0 0
gap 235966
toggle_bit 0
Finally restart lirc and kodi
sudo restart lirc
kodi stop
kodi start
(8th Nov, 2016 01:42 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]@Chiron
Please make changes as follows:
1) Set X10 type in file /etc/default/lirc
# In case of X10 remotes please set this variable
# to x10-atiwonder, x10-medion or x10-or32e
There are many X10 remotes with different keymappings. So you have to define which one you have
2) Change name of remote in file /etc/lirc/remotes/x10-atiwonder.conf
Unfortunately there is typo in device name. So X10-ATIREMOTE has to be changed into X10-ATIWONDER
Quote:# brand: ATI Remote Wonder
# model no. of remote control: 5000023600
# devices being controlled by this remote: ATI USB Receiver
# Found on a linpvr.org forum, thanks.
begin remote
bits 40
eps 30
aeps 100
one 0 0
zero 0 0
gap 235966
toggle_bit 0
Finally restart lirc and kodi
sudo restart lirc
kodi stop
kodi start
Thank you very much, I have sorted most of the issues. However i do still have an issue with getting the code of the mute key of the remote.
I will open another topic.

Well since an update today my remote is not working anymore. The mapping of the buttons isn't working anymore. I'm confused. My configuration hasn't changed.
The log of lirc
root@xbian:/home/xbian# cat /var/log/upstart/lirc.log
modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_atiusb not found.
modprobe: FATAL: Module rc_core is in use.
modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_atiusb not found.
*** LIRC hardware (autodetected) ***
Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC
modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_atiusb not found.
modprobe: FATAL: Module rc_core is in use.
modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_atiusb not found.
*** LIRC hardware (autodetected) ***
Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC
modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_atiusb not found.
modprobe: FATAL: Module rc_core is in use.
modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_atiusb not found.
*** LIRC hardware (autodetected) ***
Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC
modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_atiusb not found.
modprobe: FATAL: Module rc_core is in use.
modprobe: FATAL: Module lirc_atiusb not found.
*** LIRC hardware (autodetected) ***
Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC
root@xbian:/etc/default# cat lirc
# In case of X10 remotes please set this variable
# to x10-atiwonder, x10-medion or x10-or32e
My conf file hasn't changed
root@xbian:/etc/lirc/remotes# cat x10-atiwonder.conf
# brand: ATI Remote Wonder
# model no. of remote control: 5000023600
# devices being controlled by this remote: ATI USB Receiver
# Found on a linpvr.org forum, thanks.
begin remote
bits 40
eps 30
aeps 100
one 0 0
zero 0 0
gap 235966
toggle_bit 0
min_repeat 2
suppress_repeat 4
toggle_bit_mask 0x80800000
begin codes
KEY_A 0x00000014D5000000
KEY_B 0x00000014D6010000
KEY_POWER 0x00000014D7020000
KEY_TV 0x00000014D8030000
KEY_DVD 0x00000014D9040000
KEY_WEB 0x00000014DA050000
KEY_MEDIALIB 0x00000014DB060000
KEY_DRAG 0x00000014DC070000
KEY_MB_LEFT 0x000000144D780000
KEY_MB_RIGHT 0x00000014517C0000
KEY_MOUSEUP 0x0000001447720000
KEY_MOUSEDOWN 0x0000001448730000
KEY_MOUSELEFT 0x0000001445700000
KEY_MOUSERIGHT 0x0000001446710000
KEY_MOUSELEFTUP 0x0000001449740000
KEY_MOUSERIGHTUP 0x000000144A750000
KEY_MOUSELEFTDOWN 0x000000144C770000
KEY_MOUSERIGHTDOWN 0x000000144B760000
KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x00000014DD080000
KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x00000014DE090000
KEY_MUTE 0x00000014DF0A0000
KEY_CHANNELUP 0x00000014E00B0000
KEY_CHANNELDOWN 0x00000014E10C0000
KEY_1 0x00000014E20D0000
KEY_2 0x00000014E30E0000
KEY_3 0x00000014E40F0000
KEY_4 0x00000014E5100000
KEY_5 0x00000014E6110000
KEY_6 0x00000014E7120000
KEY_7 0x00000014E8130000
KEY_8 0x00000014E9140000
KEY_9 0x00000014EA150000
KEY_0 0x00000014EC170000
KEY_DVDMENU 0x00000014EB160000
KEY_SETUP 0x00000014ED180000
KEY_C 0x00000014EE190000
KEY_D 0x00000014F01B0000
KEY_TVONDEMAND 0x00000014F11C0000
KEY_FULLSCREEN 0x00000014F5200000
KEY_UP 0x00000014EF1A0000
KEY_DOWN 0x00000014F7220000
KEY_LEFT 0x00000014F21D0000
KEY_RIGHT 0x00000014F41F0000
KEY_OK 0x00000014F31E0000
KEY_E 0x00000014F6210000
KEY_F 0x00000014F8230000
KEY_REWIND 0x00000014F9240000
KEY_PLAY 0x00000014FA250000
KEY_FASTFORWARD 0x00000014FB260000
KEY_RECORD 0x00000014FC270000
KEY_STOP 0x00000014FD280000
KEY_PAUSE 0x00000014FE290000
end codes
end remote
However I've got a new link in date of today in /etc/lirc/remotes
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 févr. 14 20:31 x10.conf -> x10-atiwonder.conf
Hmmm, seems you upgraded kernel from 4.4.x to 4.9.x. I checked this package, unfortunately the module lirc_atiusb is not there
Have to fix it. If you don't want to wait for new kernel package, you can install older 4.4.x kernel package as workaround
Thanks. I'm back to previous kernel: linux-image-bcm2836=4.4.48+-1486919396
Everything is back on line :-)
(15th Feb, 2017 06:23 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Hmmm, seems you upgraded kernel from 4.4.x to 4.9.x. I checked this package, unfortunately the module lirc_atiusb is not there 
Have to fix it. If you don't want to wait for new kernel package, you can install older 4.4.x kernel package as workaround
Fixed in recent kernel package 4.9.10