
Full Version: RPI2 with TPLink Gigabit adapter
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Hello all,

I am trying to get TP-Link UE300 gigabit adapter to work on my RP2 (latest Xian, no overclock). My Linux knowledge is very low. Tried googling for 2 hours, but no luck. Some facts:

- UE300 reported to work out of the box on Raspian on Google (maybe not Xbian?)
- lsusb lists: Bus 001 port 003: Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast ethernet adapter
- ifconfig lists eth0 and eth1, I even had eth1 listed as UP, but still no internet

Content of /etc/network/interfaces:

source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
auto lo
auto eth0

iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface lo inet loopback

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

iface default inet dhcp

allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

Can you please help me make this work? Since it's recognized as usbdevice and there's also eth1 listed I have the feeling I'm close...!

Kind regards,

Bas Hamstra
If you have eth0 and eth1 up, your UE300 should work


Quote:lsusb lists: Bus 001 port 003: Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast ethernet adapter

is the onboard ethernet, not the external

Maybe this adapter needs to much power. so you could add


to /boot/config.txt or use an external powered usb hub

please show me the output of ifconfig
Quote:If you have eth0 and eth1 up, your UE300 should work

I never had them both up I think...but when eth1 is UP it doesn't do a thing..

Quote:lsusb lists: Bus 001 port 003: Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast ethernet adapter
is the onboard ethernet, not the external

Ok that is an eyeopener for me. Then it's the question if the device is recognized. I tried lsusb -vvv and enclose the result below:

lsubs -vvv (Click to View)
Thanks for max_usb_current=1 but I already had that, since otherwise my 2TB usb drive would not work. I guess that usb drive COULD also mean there is a power issue...?

Quote:please show me the output of ifconfig --> see below

Thanks for looking into this, it's much appreciated since another couple of hours googling brought me nothing but vague clues to try (such as the tag MANUAL for eth1).

Kind regards,

Bas Hamstra[/quote][/term]

In ifconfig the eth1 will disappear after I remove the UE300 device from the Pi2.

Hmmm, everything looks ok, only ...

eth1 has no IP address Dodgy

Did you already checked your ethernet cables?
Seems you are speechless Tongue
(20th Mar, 2016 02:35 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Seems you are speechless Tongue

No, I tried to answer few times, but replies did not save, then I saw a sort of lock symbol after my name and assumed I was locked somehow. Bottom line is: the same adapter has severe problems on my windows 10 laptop too! Even after installing latest driver!

For a short time it worked on mi PI, then it freezes. The same happened in Win10 laptop (and can be reproduced at will).

Thank you very much for your assistence! I hope the shop will take the device back, or else I'll try to exchange it for another.

Kind regards,

You're welcome

Hopefully you'll find a device which works better.
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