I am using a RPI2.
I have the latest flavor of XBIAN imaged to a 16GB micro sd card
(using win32 diskimager)
upon powering up the RPI2, there are the normal RED and GREEN lights, but NOTHING on the screen.
on the TV (tried 3 different tv's) they are all using the HDMI port.

what have i missed?
wipe SD card using SDFORMATTER (size adjustment on, full wipe)
image XBIAN LATEST RPI2 to micro sd card
SD card in RPI2
power up RPI2
nothing on screen (with other flavors of KODI, etc there is SOME indication on the screen that the RPI2 is working)
what am i missing?

Check the power supply. It should be at least 1amp - 500ma (Normal USB output) is not enough.
If the power supply is OK, try using the Xbian Installer and choose an earlier release.
(25th Mar, 2016 01:03 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]Check the power supply. It should be at least 1amp - 500ma (Normal USB output) is not enough.
If the power supply is OK, try using the Xbian Installer and choose an earlier release.
all the power supplies are 2A
trying the installer now
I have the NEWEST image file already downloaded the installer fails to "see" it nor does it allow me to select it, the installer insists on downloading yet another copy of the img file.
the installer also does not allow for previous or archive versions to be installed
thank you
If you are trying to install the image to the card on a windows machine the xbian installer should have an 'advanced' tab. Click on that and you should be good to go. It not, try using win32diskimager instead (google it, download it, install it, run it). This should work with your old image.
I would also check that Xbian has actually booted by pinging the ip address of your RPi. If that works, then it's possible the HDMI cable is at fault. Does it work with other distros? Raspbian?
Are you sure you are using the correct image and not an RPi1 one!!
Quote:If you are trying to install the image to the card on a windows machine the xbian installer should have an 'advanced' tab.
If we are talking about the XBian installer, there is NO avanced tab
The installer only sees the images which are online on sourceforge. It never sees already downloaded images. In case of version 1.4, only RPI3 images are displayed for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 (and there is only one image). If you want to see more, you have to use the older version 1.3 of installer.
finally got it, there was an IP conflict that was preventing it. once i had reassigned the RPI's IP addresses (via the router), the install went perfect.
thank you all for your help.
starting my next project of syncing all the rpi's.
i have a RPI2 running mysql
1 RPI3 running XBIAN
2 RPI2's running XBIAN
2 RPI's running XBIAN
is there a better thread to discuss syncing?
new thread is
Can you please mark this as SOLVED ?