(5th Apr, 2016 06:34 AM)AnubisTP Wrote: [ -> ]I have VPN and would like to be able to use it with Xbian is this possible?
OpenVPN is the magic word
I'm absolutely no VPN expert, but you'll find a lot of Howto's in the net
Quote:Just as a note I have dumped my 'Super' android box as Pi3 - Xbian is way better and more importantly totally stable.
Any help really appreciated.[/font]
Nice to hear

I am still struggle with Vpnmanager for Openvpn on my Raspberry 3b+.
By using the latest 6.9.3 or 6.4.2 is Not execute killall and openvpn commands on Xbian Matrix 19.1
On other OS (Libreelec/osmc) there was never an issue with this service Addon even on Kodi 19
(3rd Aug, 2021 05:13 PM)Vhkkf Wrote: [ -> ]I am still struggle with Vpnmanager for Openvpn on my Raspberry 3b+.
By using the latest 6.9.3 or 6.4.2 is Not execute killall and openvpn commands on Xbian Matrix 19.1
On other OS (Libreelec/osmc) there was never an issue with this service Addon even on Kodi 19
your Pi is approaching the age that it might be best to revert to what you have tested and know works on that device, and stop upgrading software things until you can upgrade hardware that will work with more current versions of code.
To delay that upgrade, it may be possible to have the VPN endpoint running on your router, with only the traffic of your kodi device running through it.
In my case, using a debrid provider is easier and more cost-effective than a VPN - have you investigated that option?
My issue has nothing to do with my hardware. I mentioned that on the other alternative OS openvpn is working like a charm. There is still permission problems with installing Openvpn as service addon on xbian 19.1 Kodi. Even with non passwd settings the commands for killall and other dependents are not working. If I install Openvpn by linux command additionally I can install Vpnmanager on Kodi. But there seems conflicts afterwards by connecting and reaction is a disconnection from the VPN Manager. So install of Openvpn in linux command + Vpnmanager installing makes the conflict. On the other OS I have only install the Vpnmanager for Openvpn as Kodi Addon. That‘s all
So why can't you install the addon in xbian?
I am also experiencing this same problem with my setup. I downloaded the following Kodi add-on Zomboided github version 6.9.3 which is suppose to work with Kodi Matrix but just as the OP mentioned I get two dependencies that fail.
Here is a Dropbox link to my Kodi log when I do the install:
This is due to the fact that via sudo a program (openvpn) is started and it requires a password. But this does not work and therefore there are errors.
You must set the sudo to allow the start of the program without password
I have played around with this years ago and created this file
root@kmxbilr3p /etc/sudoers.d # cat /etc/sudoers.d/openvpn
xbian ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/openvpn, /usr/bin/killall
root@kmxbilr3p /etc/sudoers.d #
(9th Oct, 2021 09:17 PM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]@Dimension
This is due to the fact that via sudo a program (openvpn) is started and it requires a password. But this does not work and therefore there are errors.
You must set the sudo to allow the start of the program without password
I have played around with this years ago and created this file
root@kmxbilr3p /etc/sudoers.d # cat /etc/sudoers.d/openvpn
xbian ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/openvpn, /usr/bin/killall
root@kmxbilr3p /etc/sudoers.d #
This needs to be done prior to runing the Kodi opvenvpn installer?
Actually not. Read your kodi log. there the addon wants to establish the vpn connection via sudo openvpn and that goes wrong. Has nothing to do with the installation.
I tried running what you posted but it did not take. I assume this because what you posted need to be ran a certain way and I do not know exactly what I need to do to accomplish the commands that you posted. When I run the command I get the following response '-bash: /etc/sudoers.d: Is a directory'
This is a file in the directory
/etc/sudoers.d with content
xbian ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/openvpn, /usr/bin/killall
I just played around with the latest VPN addon 7.0.0 again, it works fine with my NordVPN provider
(14th Oct, 2021 03:40 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]This is a file in the directory /etc/sudoers.d with content
xbian ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/openvpn, /usr/bin/killall
I just played around with the latest VPN addon 7.0.0 again, it works fine with my NordVPN provider
I did as instructed but I am still not able to get the VPN installed. Here are the steps that I did:
1. Putty into the Xbain device
2. preformed a sudo visudo
3. Added at the bottom of the file xbian ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/openvpn, /usr/bin/killall
4. Rebooted the device.
5. Ran the Wizard setup for the VPN addon 7.0.0
I am still getting the error message about killall not being installed.
Here is the latest log file:
Sorry, but gradually you really kill my last nerve
Your sudo configuration is still NOT working
First test what you did in the command line (user xbian)
sudo /usr/bin/killall
sudo /usr/sbin/openvpn
Both commands must not ask you for a password. Only after that, you can continue with the openvpn addon
And make sure that in Advanced Settings "openvpn path" is set correctly and "Use openvpn with no path" is not enabled