1st Jun, 2021, 03:20 AM
Ah, now we are getting closer
You are missing the link from /dev/serial1 -> /dev/ttyAM0, which is made by an udev rule, namely by the rule /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules
It is present on all my systems (they all based on stone old XBian installations), but strangely not associated with any package. I can only imagine that this file has fallen under the table by mistake at some point.
And with the rework of /etc/init/rpi-bluetooth.conf from 12 days ago it stupidly refers to this link again
Must now consider how this can be solved sensibly
As a workaround to get further you can create the file manually as /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules:
You are missing the link from /dev/serial1 -> /dev/ttyAM0, which is made by an udev rule, namely by the rule /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules
It is present on all my systems (they all based on stone old XBian installations), but strangely not associated with any package. I can only imagine that this file has fallen under the table by mistake at some point.
And with the rework of /etc/init/rpi-bluetooth.conf from 12 days ago it stupidly refers to this link again
Must now consider how this can be solved sensibly
As a workaround to get further you can create the file manually as /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules:
SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="input", MODE="0660"
SUBSYSTEM=="i2c-dev", GROUP="i2c", MODE="0660"
SUBSYSTEM=="spidev", GROUP="spi", MODE="0660"
SUBSYSTEM=="bcm2835-gpiomem", GROUP="gpio", MODE="0660"
SUBSYSTEM=="gpio*", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c '\
chown -R root:gpio /sys/class/gpio && chmod -R 770 /sys/class/gpio;\
chown -R root:gpio /sys/devices/virtual/gpio && chmod -R 770 /sys/devices/virtual/gpio;\
chown -R root:gpio /sys$devpath && chmod -R 770 /sys$devpath\
KERNEL=="ttyAMA[01]", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c '\
ALIASES=/proc/device-tree/aliases; \
if cmp -s $ALIASES/uart0 $ALIASES/serial0; then \
echo 0;\
elif cmp -s $ALIASES/uart0 $ALIASES/serial1; then \
echo 1; \
else \
exit 1; \
'", SYMLINK+="serial%c"
KERNEL=="ttyS0", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c '\
ALIASES=/proc/device-tree/aliases; \
if cmp -s $ALIASES/uart1 $ALIASES/serial0; then \
echo 0; \
elif cmp -s $ALIASES/uart1 $ALIASES/serial1; then \
echo 1; \
else \
exit 1; \
fi \
'", SYMLINK+="serial%c"