Hello Guys,
I have just reinstalled my xbian on raspberry pi 2. Its fully updated and upgraded.
I have got Two problems:
1) Continuous rainbow screen on right side.
2) None of the options can be selected. For example in confluence VIDEOS or any other loose focus and Xbian is completely Unusable.
Can anyone guide me as what is the cause and how to remove this, as it caused me to reinstall the Xbian and is still there in system.
Thanks in advance. Any help is really appreciated.
The rainbow box is an indication of low power. The RPi 2 needs a PSU of at least 2amps and of a good quality (ditto the power lead)
Before you continue solving issue 2, you have to eliminate issue 1. I agree with @
IriDium, you have serious power issue and a little change of broken rpi2 [1]. Try to change PSU first.
Do you have additional devices connected to your Pi2?
[1] At one of my development/testing system (RPi3 and sometimes RPi2) I'm using 5V/1000mA power supply with short power lead and never seen this rainbow square
So many power issues with RPi 3...its just ludicrous.
I have tried many PSUs, 2.1A, 2.4A, 2.5A...none was enough for this new RPi...They all works perfect with RPi2.
So I ended with 5.1V/3A !!! which is crazy....and very short lead...If I knew about this crap before I would never buy RPi3
(7th May, 2016 10:05 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]So I ended with 5.1V/3A !!! which is crazy....and very short lead...If I knew about this crap before I would never buy RPi3
IMO this is design failure of RPi3 and overheating issue as well
(9th May, 2016 04:37 AM)Peiote Wrote: [ -> ]You can avoid the warning too, editing the ".config.txt" file:
well, you can "hide" it but its not solving the issue that the RPi 3 have problem with under voltage and overheating...
Avoiding or hiding the fact is not same as fixing it

(7th May, 2016 10:27 PM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ] (7th May, 2016 10:05 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]So I ended with 5.1V/3A !!! which is crazy....and very short lead...If I knew about this crap before I would never buy RPi3
IMO this is design failure of RPi3 and overheating issue as well
This is an RPi2 issue, but I agree the RPi3 is the Ford Edsel of SBC.
OT: I've been doing some testing and Xbian on RPi3 draws a max of 850ma so why there is so many problems, I do not know.
I also tried to install android marshmallow but that failed with RSOD (Rainbow screen of death) Similar to BSOD but without the useless comments on how to solve it. That only used 280ma.
So I think, as rikardo mentioned, there might be a kernel issue here.
I blame the Chinese, I reckon they just slap a 2amp sticker on a 750ma PSU and say "Ha, stupid euro, no no divrence, we build crap bot dey buy, no probrum"
Bottom line, (My personal opinion) stay clear of the RPi3 until all of the guano is sorted out.
(10th May, 2016 04:05 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]OT: I've been doing some testing and Xbian on RPi3 draws a max of 850ma so why there is so many problems, I do not know.
You don's see peaks with a multimeter. And peaks are the main problem when using bad psu's
IMO there are 2 problems:
1) bad power lead (cable too long, wires to small)
2) too small buffer capacitor at RPi's power input
Quote:So I think, as rikardo mentioned, there might be a kernel issue here.
Definitely not. Kernel does nothing - it's managed by firmware
Thank you for all the suggestion. What solved my problem is the faulty micro USB cable. Also the cable was too long and very soft, there might be very less copper.
I purchased a new and small, but very tight USB Cable and rainbow went away.