16th Oct, 2016, 10:46 AM
Good day all,
I have been an Kodi user for a few years now. I have used another flavor but decided to give Xbain a try as I have heard good things.
I have been trying to get Xbian running with a hard drive as root but haven't had any luck. Yes, I have heard the discussions about SD being as reliable, and fast but for my situation I feel the hard drive is the best plan.
I have run the back up tool by logging it with ssh and have cloned the complete system. If I mount it I see the directories created by the clone program in Xbian. I am not that familiar with BTRFS and have followed the directions given at the end of the cloning, And the instructions on line (running Xbian on a thimb drive.) One states to mount the root file system as BTRFS, on states to mount it as /dev/sda1.
Can some one give me a run down on doing this, or a recent web post that explains setting this up... My end goal is to set up a central "server" and feed Kodi to "dumb" video boxes. All files, viewing stats follow user. I can't move on until I figure this out.
Best wishes
I have been an Kodi user for a few years now. I have used another flavor but decided to give Xbain a try as I have heard good things.
I have been trying to get Xbian running with a hard drive as root but haven't had any luck. Yes, I have heard the discussions about SD being as reliable, and fast but for my situation I feel the hard drive is the best plan.
I have run the back up tool by logging it with ssh and have cloned the complete system. If I mount it I see the directories created by the clone program in Xbian. I am not that familiar with BTRFS and have followed the directions given at the end of the cloning, And the instructions on line (running Xbian on a thimb drive.) One states to mount the root file system as BTRFS, on states to mount it as /dev/sda1.
Can some one give me a run down on doing this, or a recent web post that explains setting this up... My end goal is to set up a central "server" and feed Kodi to "dumb" video boxes. All files, viewing stats follow user. I can't move on until I figure this out.
Best wishes