
Full Version: Waveshare5/Sainsmart 7" HDMI with GPIO touch
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(1st Nov, 2016 04:49 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yes, you're right. Those libs are not longer part of Debian Jessie Sad

But - you do not need all that library stuff for Kodi Smile

Just tested, I only had to add following lines to file /home/xbian/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml,

    <x_offset>-32</x_offset> <!-- cursor pixel x offset -->
    <y_offset>-35</y_offset> <!-- cursor pixel y offset -->
    <x_stretch_factor>0.209</x_stretch_factor> <!-- stretch factor -->
    <y_stretch_factor>0.131</y_stretch_factor> <!-- stretch factor -->

modifying file /usr/local/share/kodi/system/keymaps/mouse.xml [1]

and restart Kodi (v17! from devel repo)

[1] would be good idea to copy this file into folder /home/xbian/.kodi/userdata/keymaps and edit it there

Sounds promising, however I'm confused as to the modifying mouse.XML file - what kind of modifying?
I'll test this out tonight.
Alright, so far, what I've done:
Updated to kodi v17 via the devel repo.
Edited advanced settings:
sudo nano /home/xbian/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml
I copied this text:
<x_offset>-32</x_offset> <!-- cursor pixel x offset -->
<y_offset>-35</y_offset> <!-- cursor pixel y offset -->
<x_stretch_factor>0.209</x_stretch_factor> <!-- stretch factor -->
<y_stretch_factor>0.131</y_stretch_factor> <!-- stretch factor -->
Into that file, and saved it.
I then opened the /usr/local/share/kodi/system/keymaps/mouse.xml file,
And copied the text:
<doubleclick id="0">noop</doubleclick>
<longclick id="0">contextmenu</longclick>
Into it. Saved, exited, rebooted.

No dice. The mouse now doesn't work AT ALL. Before I edited the mouse.xml file, I could get some kind of control from the upper left of the, nothing.
I may have completely messed up my mouse.xml do I get the original back?!
What did you do exactly?

I suppose you just added the lines to the end of the files /home/xbian/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml and /usr/local/share/kodi/system/keymaps/mouse.xml

ExclamationExclamationExclamation That is definitively wrong ExclamationExclamationExclamation

Here is my working version of mouse.xml and advancedsettings.xml:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This file contains the mapping of mouse keys to actions within Kodi.                 -->
<!--                                                                                      -->
<!-- The format is:                                                                       -->
<!--  <window>                                                                            -->
<!--    <device>                                                                          -->
<!--      <button>action</button>                                                         -->
<!--    </device>                                                                         -->
<!--  </window>                                                                           -->
<!--                                                                                      -->
<!-- The <global> section is a fall through - they will only be used if the button is     -->
<!-- not used in the current window's section.                                            -->
<!--                                                                                      -->
<!-- Actions can be built-in functions.                                                   -->
<!--  eg <middleclick>ActivateWindow(Music)</middleclick>                                 -->
<!-- would automatically go to Music on the press of the middle mouse button.             -->
<!--                                                                                      -->
<!--                                                                                      -->
<!-- An empty action removes the corresponding mapping from default and parent keymaps.   -->
<!-- This is different from a "noop" action, which disables a button.                     -->
<!--                                                                                      -->
<!--  Button Ids:                                                                         -->
<!--    0: left                                                                           -->
<!--    1: right                                                                          -->
<!--    2: middle                                                                         -->
<!--    3/4/5/6: extra                                                                    -->
<!--                                                                                      -->
<!-- More documentation on keymaps can be found on          -->
      <doubleclick id="0">noop</doubleclick>
      <longclick id="0">contextmenu</longclick>

You can use this mouse.xml as it is. And again: would be good idea to copy this file into folder /home/xbian/.kodi/userdata/keymaps and edit it there because if you don't, those changes will be overwitten by xbian-package-xbmc update


    <loglevel hide="false">1</loglevel>


    <gputempcommand>echo "$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | grep -o "[0-9]\{2\}") C"</gputempcommand>
    <cputempcommand>echo "$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | grep -o "[0-9]\{2\}") C"</cputempcommand>
        <usetimeseeking>true</usetimeseeking>               <!-- Whether to use time based or percentage based seeking. -->
        <timeseekforward>30</timeseekforward>               <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a short seek.  Defaults to 30. -->
        <timeseekbackward>-30</timeseekbackward>            <!-- Time to seek backward in seconds when doing a short seek.  Defaults to -30. -->
        <timeseekforwardbig>300</timeseekforwardbig>        <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek.  Defaults to 600 (10 minutes). -->
        <timeseekbackwardbig>-300</timeseekbackwardbig>     <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek.  Defaults to -600 (10 minutes). -->
        <excludefromlisting>                                <!-- Regular expressions that if evaluated to true won't be displayed in Files View -->
            <regexp>[-\._ ](working)</regexp>
            <regexp>[-\._ ](pyLoad)</regexp>
            <regexp>[-\._ ](sample|trailer)[-\._ ]</regexp>

        <minvideocachelevel>5</minvideocachelevel>          <!-- Cache up to this level in the video buffer buffer before resuming playback if the buffers run dry. -->
        <minaudiocachelevel>5</minaudiocachelevel>          <!-- Cache up to this level in the audio buffer before resuming playback if the buffers run dry. -->
        <cacheindvdplayer>false</cacheindvdplayer>          <!-- Cache PVR stream in DVDPlayer. -->




        <x_offset>-32</x_offset> <!-- cursor pixel x offset -->
        <y_offset>-35</y_offset> <!-- cursor pixel y offset -->
        <x_stretch_factor>0.209</x_stretch_factor> <!-- stretch factor -->
        <y_stretch_factor>0.131</y_stretch_factor> <!-- stretch factor -->

Note: Please do NOT replace my advancedsettings.xml with your version it is just an example how to insert the touchscreen section into this file (before !!! </advancedsettings> and not behind)
I absolutely HATE to revive a long dead thread.
However: This is a problem again.
I have the exact same setup from my initial problem, Except Now I've reinstalled the latest xbian for Rpi3, and changed the pi2 to a pi3.
I'm trying to run the Sainsmart 7" touchscreen with the latest xbian.

I tried booting it without doing anything, it runs, but the screen doesn't display. Plug into a tv, it works fine.
SSH into the box, add the /boot.config.txt configuration, boot plugged into a tv, change the resolution, And the screen works great!

Cannot get the touch screen working properly. I remembered this thread, and I had it working on the jukebox I made, but the same steps taken have no effect - the touch screen senses touch, but the cursor is all over the place.

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