In the past we were advised to turn off auto updating as it was causing issues. What is the consensus of opinion now? Is it safe to turn it back on or is it still advisable to leave it turned off?
Good question
I'm leaving it off, because I want to control updates myself
Yesterday I put one Xbian pi on auto update.
It seems to be working, although the required reboot to fix the upgrades was not done and no message appeared to prompt the user until I went xbian-config->updates->check for upgrade. After that check it said all was up-to-date but that a reboot was needed. I don't know if this is expected behaviour or not, but just thought I'd let you know!

AFAIR there is no autoreboot after (auto) updates if required. But a popup message should appear. I can check this
And you can check if file
[/var]/run/reboot-required exists. If it is there, a popup message should appear.
Oh, now I remember: autoreboot (if necessary) will be done only by xbian-update if Kodi is NOT running

and if not disabled in file
And useful article can be found
Just to be clear, I was upgrading a headless pi and all messages were via ssh.
I will check those files though as one day it might be possible to have all Xbian pi on auto-update.

(20th Dec, 2016 09:27 PM)Skywatch Wrote: [ -> ]After that check it said all was up-to-date but that a reboot was needed. I don't know if this is expected behaviour or not, but just thought I'd let you know! 
Yes, it is. This file (see above) is checked when finishing xbian-config gui.
Would it be too difficult to say add a check that if Kodi was not actively playing media to reboot? Or maybe have a reboot window that is user selectable so reboots only happen when kodi is not playing media (say 4-6AM)?
Just wondering out loud on this.....

(21st Dec, 2016 08:04 AM)Skywatch Wrote: [ -> ]Would it be too difficult to say add a check that if Kodi was not actively playing media to reboot? Or maybe have a reboot window that is user selectable so reboots only happen when kodi is not playing media (say 4-6AM)?
Just wondering out loud on this..... 
or just use RSS scrolling line on home screen to place message when update was done and needs reboot
@rikadro - That would not help with headless access via ssh.
What I was thinking was that whereas now we get 'xx updates available' message when we log in via ssh, would it be possible to say 'upgrades automatically installed - a reboot is required' instead?
This is not urgent and certainly could wait until we have a reliable auto upgrade system that could be recommended to all users. But it would be nice

(21st Dec, 2016 11:47 PM)Skywatch Wrote: [ -> ]@rikadro - That would not help with headless access via ssh.
What I was thinking was that whereas now we get 'xx updates available' message when we log in via ssh, would it be possible to say 'upgrades automatically installed - a reboot is required' instead?
What message do you exactly want to have. I investigated the logic behind and found place to add this function.
ssh kmxbilr
Linux kmxbilr 4.8.10+ #1 PREEMPT Thu Nov 24 00:15:31 CET 2016
A reboot is required due to automatic upgrade has been done
Y88b d88P 888888b. 8888888 d8888 888b 888
Y88o88P 888 .88P 888 d88P888 88888b 888
Quote:This is not urgent and certainly could wait until we have a reliable auto upgrade system that could be recommended to all users. But it would be nice 
We use standard mechanism for automatic update, so it is not in our hand, we only use this functionality as it is.
And btw, automatic updates will be always a little bit critical

My opnion is that at the moment when you log in via ssh you sometimes get the message in the putty terminal...
"xx updates available"
I think it would be good that *if* auto updates is selected then instead of that message we get...
"Updates Installed - Reboot Required" or similar (but only when a reboot is really needed).
But it is not an urgent issue if you have better things to do on Xbian right now. Maybe one for a rainy day in the winter months?

(22nd Dec, 2016 03:16 AM)Skywatch Wrote: [ -> ]"Updates Installed - Reboot Required" or similar (but only when a reboot is really needed).
Hrmpf, that's what I was asking - what is the best message to display in that case. Coding has already be done, just waiting for suitable message

Well why didn't you just say so?
I would go with "Upgrades have been installed - Please reboot to complete upgrade"
Anyone else with ideas on wording? I have given a few different examples on this thread. Which would you prefer?
(22nd Dec, 2016 04:17 AM)Skywatch Wrote: [ -> ]I would go with "Upgrades have been installed - Please reboot to complete upgrade"
I've taken this one. If anyone have better message, please let me know. Deadline is 23:45 today

. Then I'm pushing commit