10th Aug, 2019, 06:56 AM
the update process, whether using the GUI or the commandline didn't proceed, because of an error in line 11 of /etc/fstab
Secondly the update complained that the /boot partition is not available. This is a 'nice' match with the first complaint, since line 11 is about the /boot.
The etc/fstab is identical as before, except that line 11 was at first somewhere in the middle. I don't think that makes a difference.
When I issued the mount command manually, it mounted without issue and I was able to do the sudo apt-get upgrade
After a reboot, I can do a cd /boot, but find the folder empty, so it is not mounted again. How can this be? The UUID is correct, I checked that, plus the manual mount operation, using this UUID works as well.
Second, minor, issue is that, while reviewing the kodi.log, I find error lines for every single folder of one of my USB sticks with data that it can't be found:
When the Kodi GUI is just loaded after the splash screen, I always see this usb-stick mount it's folders. all the data on it, all my audio, works just fine.
In a trial to overcome both problems, I added 'boot_delay=5' to my cmdline.txt to give some time for both USB-sticks to get to life. Unfortunately this doesn't help.
# Configured /etc/fstab for XBian system
none /run/user tmpfs noauto 0 0
none /run/shm tmpfs noauto 0 0
none /run/lock tmpfs noauto 0 0
/dev/root /xbmc-backup xbian subvol=data/@,noatime,rw 0 0
/dev/root /home xbian subvol=home/@,noatime,nobootwait,rw 0 0
/dev/root /lib/modules xbian subvol=modules/@,noatime,nobootwait,rw 0 0
/dev/root / xbian noatime,nobootwait,rw 0 0
UUID=4D28-F2B5 /boot xbian xbian noatime,rw,private 0 1
The etc/fstab is identical as before, except that line 11 was at first somewhere in the middle. I don't think that makes a difference.
When I issued the mount command manually, it mounted without issue and I was able to do the sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo mount UUID=4D28-F2B5 /boot
Second, minor, issue is that, while reviewing the kodi.log, I find error lines for every single folder of one of my USB sticks with data that it can't be found:
2019-08-09 22:35:35.380 T:1587061472 WARNING: Process directory '/media/64GB_ULTRAF/Audio/' does not exist - skipping scan.
In a trial to overcome both problems, I added 'boot_delay=5' to my cmdline.txt to give some time for both USB-sticks to get to life. Unfortunately this doesn't help.