
Full Version: PVR IPTV Simple Client Comand Line start/stop
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Hello Frends!
Sorry for my English (this is not my native language).
I have:
1.Raspberry Pi 3B + (XBian 18.1)
2. AceStream Madia + PVR IPTV Simple Client
The problem is this:
When XBian loads, it loads the PVR IPTV Simple Client earlier than AceStream Madia and a situation arises that the playlist in the PVR IPTV Simple Client is empty.
I had an idea:
1. either manually restart the PVR IPTV Simple Client from the command line after AceStream Madia (then the channels will be loaded)
2. Either delay the start of the PVR IPTV Simple Client
but in what file to set a delay I do not know. And I don’t know the command to launch PVR IPTV Simple Client from the command line.
If anyone knows, please tell me.
Are you using my script?


echo "-----------------------------------"
echo "$(date) $0 $@"
echo "-----------------------------------"

case $1 in

        screensaver)            # See /etc/init/xbmc-screensaver.conf
                case $2 in

        preload)                # See /etc/init/xbmc-preload.conf
                case $2 in
                                # Start acestream and wait 10s until its up
                                /home/xbian/acestream.engine/acestream.start && sleep 10 || :
                                # This never happens

        xbmc)                   # See /etc/init/xbmc.conf
                case $2 in

exit 0

In this case, you can add a sleep to wait until acestream is up, see above

You cant do a delayed start of IPTV Simple client addon
You cant start/restart IPTV Simple client via cmdline script
I am ashamed, but I do not know where to write this script

I use supervisor to start and control the restart in case of acestream crash.
1. apt-get install supervisor
2. Created myacestream.conf file with the following contents:
command = /home/xbian/acestream.engine/acestream.start
stdout_logfile = /var/log/acestream.log
stderr_logfile = /var/log/acestream.log
startsecs = 10
autostart = true
autorestart = true
3. and put along the way /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
4. reboot RPi3B+
the work is very stable, but after the start of AceStream you have to go into the settings of the IPTV IPTV Simple client disabled and enabled, only then the channels appear in the playlist

my screensaver is disabled
there is another nuance that is not convenient when using TVset
When I watch cable TV on the TVset, after about 10 minutes the TV screen switches to HDMI from RPi3B+ (XBian).
Therefore, I changed it in the settings (config.txt):
, but now if you watch TVset and turn on the raspberry, it is impossible to switch to HDMI (the Xbian screen appears with the message "connection ...") and there is no way to control, because the connection did not succeed
It is connected only then you turn on the raspberry with the HDMI source previously switched in the TV settings
OMG, plz read the other thread, there you can find all infos you need
Im really sorry for bumping old thread, just searching similar information. Can someone help me please?
Help with what?
Looks like spam to me.
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