Hi everyone. I use a Samsung TV with my XBian on a RPi3b+. Everything works perfectly till recently when my remote stopped working in the middle of a movie selection. I thought that just rebooting could make things work again but no. So I tried to update my release since it was an older one. I did it.
Now I have the latest XBian release on my RPi3b+ and my remote still not works. My remote works with my FireTV and with my TV itself. I tried to attach my RPi to another Samsung TV, different model and remote but the other remote didn't work as well.
Both remote models are: TM1250 (AA-00682A) on my UN46F6400 Samsung TV - this is the one I want back working. The other remote is a BN59-00678A Samasung.
When I boot up XBian it shows me the message that Pulse8-CEC was recognized.
Any more information needed in order for someone help?

Maybe your hdmi cable, the hdmi connector or the Pi3B+ itself is broken
(5th Aug, 2020 01:46 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe your hdmi cable, the hdmi connector or the Pi3B+ itself is broken
Ok, I'll try with another hdmi cable. Is there any way that to test if it's the RPi?
(5th Aug, 2020 10:01 AM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 01:46 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe your hdmi cable, the hdmi connector or the Pi3B+ itself is broken
Ok, I'll try with another hdmi cable. Is there any way that to test if it's the RPi?
Yes, there is:
Stop Kodi and start cec-client (if it is not already installed, you have to install package cec-utils) and connect your TV-Remote with the Pi.
Then you have to see output like this when pressing buttons on your remote:
root@kmxbilr2 /usr/local/share # cec-client
No device type given. Using 'recording device'
CEC Parser created - libCEC version 5.0.0
no serial port given. trying autodetect:
path: Raspberry Pi
com port: RPI
opening a connection to the CEC adapter...
DEBUG: [ 55] Broadcast (F): osd name set to 'Broadcast'
DEBUG: [ 55] Open - vc_cec initialised
DEBUG: [ 55] logical address changed to Free use (e)
NOTICE: [ 56] connection opened
DEBUG: [ 56] processor thread started
DEBUG: [ 56] << Broadcast (F) -> TV (0): POLL
DEBUG: [ 56] initiator 'Broadcast' is not supported by the CEC adapter. using 'Free use' instead
TRAFFIC: [ 56] << e0
DEBUG: [ 87] >> POLL sent
DEBUG: [ 87] TV (0): device status changed into 'present'
DEBUG: [ 88] << requesting vendor ID of 'TV' (0)
TRAFFIC: [ 88] << e0:8c
TRAFFIC: [ 291] >> 0f:87:00:00:00
DEBUG: [ 291] >> TV (0) -> Broadcast (F): device vendor id (87)
DEBUG: [ 291] expected response received (87: device vendor id)
NOTICE: [ 291] registering new CEC client - v5.0.0
DEBUG: [ 291] detecting logical address for type 'recording device'
DEBUG: [ 291] trying logical address 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG: [ 291] << Recorder 1 (1) -> Recorder 1 (1): POLL
TRAFFIC: [ 292] << 11
DEBUG: [ 592] >> POLL sent
DEBUG: [ 592] logical address 'Recorder 1' already taken
DEBUG: [ 592] Recorder 1 (1): device status changed into 'present'
DEBUG: [ 592] trying logical address 'Recorder 2'
DEBUG: [ 592] << Recorder 2 (2) -> Recorder 2 (2): POLL
TRAFFIC: [ 592] << 22
TRAFFIC: [ 863] << 22
DEBUG: [ 1134] >> POLL not sent
DEBUG: [ 1134] using logical address 'Recorder 2'
DEBUG: [ 1134] Recorder 2 (2): device status changed into 'handled by libCEC'
DEBUG: [ 1134] Recorder 2 (2): power status changed from 'unknown' to 'on'
DEBUG: [ 1134] Recorder 2 (2): vendor = Pulse Eight (001582)
DEBUG: [ 1134] Recorder 2 (2): CEC version 1.4
DEBUG: [ 1134] AllocateLogicalAddresses - device '0', type 'recording device', LA '2'
DEBUG: [ 1136] logical address changed to Recorder 2 (2)
DEBUG: [ 1136] Recorder 2 (2): osd name set to 'CECTester'
DEBUG: [ 1136] Recorder 2 (2): menu language set to 'eng'
DEBUG: [ 1136] GetPhysicalAddress - physical address = 2000
DEBUG: [ 1136] AutodetectPhysicalAddress - autodetected physical address '2000'
DEBUG: [ 1136] Recorder 2 (2): physical address changed from ffff to 2000
DEBUG: [ 1136] << Recorder 2 (2) -> broadcast (F): physical address 2000
TRAFFIC: [ 1136] << 2f:84:20:00:01
NOTICE: [ 1287] CEC client registered: libCEC version = 5.0.0, client version = 5.0.0, firmware version = 1, logical address(es) = Recorder 2 (2) , physical address:, git revision: fatal: Keine Namen gefunden, kann nichts beschreiben., compiled on 2020-05-13 10:21:45 by manfred@kmcubie.kmhome.com on Linux 5.4.24+ (armv7l), features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, 'RPi'
DEBUG: [ 1287] << Recorder 2 (2) -> TV (0): OSD name 'CECTester'
TRAFFIC: [ 1287] << 20:47:43:45:43:54:65:73:74:65:72
DEBUG: [ 1589] << requesting power status of 'TV' (0)
TRAFFIC: [ 1589] << 20:8f
TRAFFIC: [ 1731] >> 02:90:01
waiting for input
DEBUG: [ 1731] TV (0): power status changed from 'unknown' to 'standby'
DEBUG: [ 1731] expected response received (90: report power status)
DEBUG: [ 1731] >> TV (0) -> Recorder 2 (2): report power status (90)
TRAFFIC: [ 47957] >> 0f:85
DEBUG: [ 47957] >> 0 requests active source
DEBUG: [ 47957] TV (0): power status changed from 'standby' to 'on'
DEBUG: [ 153934] SetCurrentButton right (4) D:0ms cur:4
DEBUG: [ 153934] key pressed: right (4) current(ff) duration(0)
DEBUG: [ 153934] Changed key right (4) D:0ms cur:ff
DEBUG: [ 153934] key pressed: right (4, 0)
DEBUG: [ 153934] CheckKeypressTimeout T:958.119
DEBUG: [ 153934] Key right: idle (duration:0) (4) timeout:5179337ms (rel:500,rep:0,prs:500,rel:0)
DEBUG: [ 153934] >> TV (0) -> Recorder 2 (2): user control pressed (44)
TRAFFIC: [ 154003] >> 02:8b:04
DEBUG: [ 154003] key released: right (4) D:69ms
DEBUG: [ 154004] >> TV (0) -> Recorder 2 (2): vendor remote button up (8B)
TRAFFIC: [ 154842] >> 02:44:04
DEBUG: [ 154842] SetCurrentButton right (4) D:0ms cur:4
DEBUG: [ 154842] key pressed: right (4) current(ff) duration(0)
DEBUG: [ 154842] Changed key right (4) D:0ms cur:ff
DEBUG: [ 154842] key pressed: right (4, 0)
DEBUG: [ 154843] CheckKeypressTimeout T:959.028
DEBUG: [ 154843] Key right: idle (duration:0) (4) timeout:5179337ms (rel:499,rep:0,prs:499,rel:0)
DEBUG: [ 154843] >> TV (0) -> Recorder 2 (2): user control pressed (44)
TRAFFIC: [ 154912] >> 02:8b:04
DEBUG: [ 154912] key released: right (4) D:70ms
DEBUG: [ 154912] >> TV (0) -> Recorder 2 (2): vendor remote button up (8B)
(5th Aug, 2020 07:44 PM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 10:01 AM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 01:46 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe your hdmi cable, the hdmi connector or the Pi3B+ itself is broken
Ok, I'll try with another hdmi cable. Is there any way that to test if it's the RPi?
Yes, there is:
Stop Kodi and start cec-client (if it is not already installed, you have to install package cec-utils) and connect your TV-Remote with the Pi.
Ok, I couldn't done the hdmi other cable cause my other cable didn't work.

Anyway I did the RPi3B+ test, and here's the result:
xbian@xbian ~ $ sudo cec-client
[sudo] password for xbian:
No device type given. Using 'recording device'
CEC Parser created - libCEC version 4.0.4
no serial port given. trying autodetect:
path: Raspberry Pi
com port: RPI
opening a connection to the CEC adapter...
DEBUG: [ 195] Broadcast (F): osd name set to 'Broadcast'
DEBUG: [ 197] Open - vc_cec initialised
DEBUG: [ 196] logical address changed to Free use (e)
NOTICE: [ 197] connection opened
DEBUG: [ 197] processor thread started
DEBUG: [ 197] << Broadcast (F) -> TV (0): POLL
DEBUG: [ 198] initiator 'Broadcast' is not supported by the CEC adapter. using 'Free use' instead
TRAFFIC: [ 198] << e0
DEBUG: [ 258] >> POLL sent
DEBUG: [ 258] TV (0): device status changed into 'present'
DEBUG: [ 259] << requesting vendor ID of 'TV' (0)
TRAFFIC: [ 259] << e0:8c
DEBUG: [ 1320] expected response not received (87: device vendor id)
TRAFFIC: [ 1320] << e0:8c
WARNING: [ 2276] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=e destination=0 response=0
DEBUG: [ 2381] expected response not received (87: device vendor id)
NOTICE: [ 2381] registering new CEC client - v4.0.4
DEBUG: [ 2382] detecting logical address for type 'recording device'
DEBUG: [ 2382] trying logical address 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG: [ 2382] << Recorder 1 (1) -> Recorder 1 (1): POLL
TRAFFIC: [ 2382] << 11
TRAFFIC: [ 2652] << 11
DEBUG: [ 2923] >> POLL not sent
DEBUG: [ 2923] using logical address 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG: [ 2923] Recorder 1 (1): device status changed into 'handled by libCEC'
DEBUG: [ 2923] Recorder 1 (1): power status changed from 'unknown' to 'on'
DEBUG: [ 2923] Recorder 1 (1): vendor = Pulse Eight (001582)
DEBUG: [ 2923] Recorder 1 (1): CEC version 1.4
DEBUG: [ 2923] AllocateLogicalAddresses - device '0', type 'recording device', LA '1'
DEBUG: [ 2925] logical address changed to Recorder 1 (1)
DEBUG: [ 2925] Recorder 1 (1): osd name set to 'CECTester'
DEBUG: [ 2925] Recorder 1 (1): menu language set to 'eng'
DEBUG: [ 2925] GetPhysicalAddress - physical address = 3000
DEBUG: [ 2925] AutodetectPhysicalAddress - autodetected physical address '3000'
DEBUG: [ 2925] Recorder 1 (1): physical address changed from ffff to 3000
DEBUG: [ 2925] << Recorder 1 (1) -> broadcast (F): physical address 3000
TRAFFIC: [ 2925] << 1f:84:30:00:01
NOTICE: [ 3076] CEC client registered: libCEC version = 4.0.4, client version = 4.0.4, firmware version = 1, logical address(es) = Recorder 1 (1) , physical address:, git revision: heads/masterv4, compiled on Do 15. Aug 21:09:58 UTC 2019 by manfred@kmcubie.kmhome.com on Linux 4.9.106+ (armv7l), features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, 'RPi'
DEBUG: [ 3077] << Recorder 1 (1) -> TV (0): OSD name 'CECTester'
TRAFFIC: [ 3077] << 10:47:43:45:43:54:65:73:74:65:72
DEBUG: [ 3408] << requesting power status of 'TV' (0)
TRAFFIC: [ 3408] << 10:8f
WARNING: [ 3777] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
DEBUG: [ 4469] expected response not received (90: report power status)
TRAFFIC: [ 4469] << 10:8f
waiting for input
DEBUG: [ 5530] expected response not received (90: report power status)
WARNING: [ 7838] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 8900] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 12961] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 14022] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 18084] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 19145] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 23206] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 24267] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 28329] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 29390] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 33451] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 34512] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 38573] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 39634] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 43696] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
^Csignal caught: 2 - exiting
DEBUG: [ 44406] unregistering all CEC clients
NOTICE: [ 44406] unregistering client: libCEC version = 4.0.4, client version = 4.0.4, firmware version = 1, logical address(es) = Recorder 1 (1) , physical address:, git revision: heads/masterv4, compiled on Do 15. Aug 21:09:58 UTC 2019 by manfred@kmcubie.kmhome.com on Linux 4.9.106+ (armv7l), features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, 'RPi'
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): power status changed from 'on' to 'unknown'
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): vendor = Unknown (000000)
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): CEC version unknown
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): osd name set to 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): device status changed into 'unknown'
DEBUG: [ 44407] unregistering all CEC clients
WARNING: [ 44757] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
DEBUG: [ 45205] UnregisterLogicalAddress - releasing previous logical address
DEBUG: [ 45206] logical address changed to Broadcast (f)
Another thing, I had a look in /etc/lirc config files and I got the following:
xbian@xbian ~ $ ls -al /etc/lirc/remotes/
total 80
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 226 Dec 20 2019 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 98 Dec 20 2019 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 743 Sep 12 2014 apple-a1156.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34757 Apr 12 2013 devinput.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1741 Oct 10 2014 mceusb.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1913 Apr 12 2013 smt1000t.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15702 Apr 12 2013 speedlink.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2222 Apr 12 2013 srm7500.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1600 Apr 12 2013 tigerfly.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2448 Apr 12 2013 x10-or32e.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1389 Apr 12 2013 xbox.conf
xbian@xbian ~ $ cat /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/apple-a1156.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/devinput.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/smt1000t.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/srm7500.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/x10-or32e.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/xbox.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/mceusb.conf"
xbian@xbian ~ $
Hope this helps.
(6th Aug, 2020 12:29 PM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 07:44 PM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 10:01 AM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 01:46 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe your hdmi cable, the hdmi connector or the Pi3B+ itself is broken
Ok, I'll try with another hdmi cable. Is there any way that to test if it's the RPi?
Yes, there is:
Stop Kodi and start cec-client (if it is not already installed, you have to install package cec-utils) and connect your TV-Remote with the Pi.
Ok, I couldn't done the hdmi other cable cause my other cable didn't work. 
Then we can leave it at that. I've already told you where I see the possible causes of failure.
and your log shows me a lot of warnings in the communication, so don't be surprised that the remote doesn't work anymore. and by the way, CEC has nothing to do with LIRC, they are two completely different things.
Quote:Anyway I did the RPi3B+ test, and here's the result:
xbian@xbian ~ $ sudo cec-client
[sudo] password for xbian:
No device type given. Using 'recording device'
CEC Parser created - libCEC version 4.0.4
no serial port given. trying autodetect:
path: Raspberry Pi
com port: RPI
opening a connection to the CEC adapter...
DEBUG: [ 195] Broadcast (F): osd name set to 'Broadcast'
DEBUG: [ 197] Open - vc_cec initialised
DEBUG: [ 196] logical address changed to Free use (e)
NOTICE: [ 197] connection opened
DEBUG: [ 197] processor thread started
DEBUG: [ 197] << Broadcast (F) -> TV (0): POLL
DEBUG: [ 198] initiator 'Broadcast' is not supported by the CEC adapter. using 'Free use' instead
TRAFFIC: [ 198] << e0
DEBUG: [ 258] >> POLL sent
DEBUG: [ 258] TV (0): device status changed into 'present'
DEBUG: [ 259] << requesting vendor ID of 'TV' (0)
TRAFFIC: [ 259] << e0:8c
DEBUG: [ 1320] expected response not received (87: device vendor id)
TRAFFIC: [ 1320] << e0:8c
WARNING: [ 2276] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=e destination=0 response=0
DEBUG: [ 2381] expected response not received (87: device vendor id)
NOTICE: [ 2381] registering new CEC client - v4.0.4
DEBUG: [ 2382] detecting logical address for type 'recording device'
DEBUG: [ 2382] trying logical address 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG: [ 2382] << Recorder 1 (1) -> Recorder 1 (1): POLL
TRAFFIC: [ 2382] << 11
TRAFFIC: [ 2652] << 11
DEBUG: [ 2923] >> POLL not sent
DEBUG: [ 2923] using logical address 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG: [ 2923] Recorder 1 (1): device status changed into 'handled by libCEC'
DEBUG: [ 2923] Recorder 1 (1): power status changed from 'unknown' to 'on'
DEBUG: [ 2923] Recorder 1 (1): vendor = Pulse Eight (001582)
DEBUG: [ 2923] Recorder 1 (1): CEC version 1.4
DEBUG: [ 2923] AllocateLogicalAddresses - device '0', type 'recording device', LA '1'
DEBUG: [ 2925] logical address changed to Recorder 1 (1)
DEBUG: [ 2925] Recorder 1 (1): osd name set to 'CECTester'
DEBUG: [ 2925] Recorder 1 (1): menu language set to 'eng'
DEBUG: [ 2925] GetPhysicalAddress - physical address = 3000
DEBUG: [ 2925] AutodetectPhysicalAddress - autodetected physical address '3000'
DEBUG: [ 2925] Recorder 1 (1): physical address changed from ffff to 3000
DEBUG: [ 2925] << Recorder 1 (1) -> broadcast (F): physical address 3000
TRAFFIC: [ 2925] << 1f:84:30:00:01
NOTICE: [ 3076] CEC client registered: libCEC version = 4.0.4, client version = 4.0.4, firmware version = 1, logical address(es) = Recorder 1 (1) , physical address:, git revision: heads/masterv4, compiled on Do 15. Aug 21:09:58 UTC 2019 by manfred@kmcubie.kmhome.com on Linux 4.9.106+ (armv7l), features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, 'RPi'
DEBUG: [ 3077] << Recorder 1 (1) -> TV (0): OSD name 'CECTester'
TRAFFIC: [ 3077] << 10:47:43:45:43:54:65:73:74:65:72
DEBUG: [ 3408] << requesting power status of 'TV' (0)
TRAFFIC: [ 3408] << 10:8f
WARNING: [ 3777] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
DEBUG: [ 4469] expected response not received (90: report power status)
TRAFFIC: [ 4469] << 10:8f
waiting for input
DEBUG: [ 5530] expected response not received (90: report power status)
WARNING: [ 7838] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 8900] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 12961] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 14022] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 18084] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 19145] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 23206] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 24267] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 28329] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 29390] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 33451] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 34512] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 38573] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 39634] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
WARNING: [ 43696] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
^Csignal caught: 2 - exiting
DEBUG: [ 44406] unregistering all CEC clients
NOTICE: [ 44406] unregistering client: libCEC version = 4.0.4, client version = 4.0.4, firmware version = 1, logical address(es) = Recorder 1 (1) , physical address:, git revision: heads/masterv4, compiled on Do 15. Aug 21:09:58 UTC 2019 by manfred@kmcubie.kmhome.com on Linux 4.9.106+ (armv7l), features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, 'RPi'
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): power status changed from 'on' to 'unknown'
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): vendor = Unknown (000000)
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): CEC version unknown
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): osd name set to 'Recorder 1'
DEBUG: [ 44407] Recorder 1 (1): device status changed into 'unknown'
DEBUG: [ 44407] unregistering all CEC clients
WARNING: [ 44757] unhandled response received: opcode=8f initiator=1 destination=0 response=0
DEBUG: [ 45205] UnregisterLogicalAddress - releasing previous logical address
DEBUG: [ 45206] logical address changed to Broadcast (f)
Another thing, I had a look in /etc/lirc config files and I got the following:
xbian@xbian ~ $ ls -al /etc/lirc/remotes/
total 80
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 226 Dec 20 2019 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 98 Dec 20 2019 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 743 Sep 12 2014 apple-a1156.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34757 Apr 12 2013 devinput.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1741 Oct 10 2014 mceusb.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1913 Apr 12 2013 smt1000t.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15702 Apr 12 2013 speedlink.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2222 Apr 12 2013 srm7500.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1600 Apr 12 2013 tigerfly.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2448 Apr 12 2013 x10-or32e.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1389 Apr 12 2013 xbox.conf
xbian@xbian ~ $ cat /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/apple-a1156.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/devinput.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/smt1000t.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/srm7500.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/x10-or32e.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/xbox.conf"
include "/etc/lirc/remotes/mceusb.conf"
xbian@xbian ~ $
Hope this helps.
Have you tried another hdmi port yet?
(6th Aug, 2020 07:11 PM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ] (6th Aug, 2020 12:29 PM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 07:44 PM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 10:01 AM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ] (5th Aug, 2020 01:46 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe your hdmi cable, the hdmi connector or the Pi3B+ itself is broken
Ok, I'll try with another hdmi cable. Is there any way that to test if it's the RPi?
Yes, there is:
Stop Kodi and start cec-client (if it is not already installed, you have to install package cec-utils) and connect your TV-Remote with the Pi.
Ok, I couldn't done the hdmi other cable cause my other cable didn't work. 
Then we can leave it at that. I've already told you where I see the possible causes of failure.
and your log shows me a lot of warnings in the communication, so don't be surprised that the remote doesn't work anymore. and by the way, CEC has nothing to do with LIRC, they are two completely different things.
Quote:Anyway I did the RPi3B+ test, and here's the result:
Hope this helps.
Have you tried another hdmi port yet?
Ok, I'll try on another hdmi port first. Just to understand, my RPi is ok, right?
(7th Aug, 2020 12:41 AM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, I'll try on another hdmi port first. Just to understand, my RPi is ok, right?
How should i know? we haven't been able to exclude anything yet. another cable doesn't work at all, you haven't used another hdmi port, cec-client lists many warnings. it can still be anything
(7th Aug, 2020 02:28 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ] (7th Aug, 2020 12:41 AM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, I'll try on another hdmi port first. Just to understand, my RPi is ok, right?
How should i know? we haven't been able to exclude anything yet. another cable doesn't work at all, you haven't used another hdmi port, cec-client lists many warnings. it can still be anything
I tried another hdmi port and kodi didn't boot at all!

I was googling around and found this web site:
So, I did the following:
xbian@xbian ~ $ echo "scan" | cec-client RPI -s -d 1
opening a connection to the CEC adapter...
requesting CEC bus information ...
CEC bus information
device #0: TV
active source: no
vendor: Unknown
osd string: TV
CEC version: unknown
power status: unknown
language: ???
device #1: Recorder 1
active source: no
vendor: Pulse Eight
osd string: CECTester
CEC version: 1.4
power status: on
language: eng
device #4: Playback 1
active source: no
vendor: Samsung
osd string: BD Player
CEC version: 1.3a
power status: on
language: eng
currently active source: unknown (-1)
xbian@xbian ~ $
Am I wrong or RPi is seeing the TV CEC? Maybe the problem is the remote as you said before.

(8th Aug, 2020 05:49 AM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ] (7th Aug, 2020 02:28 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ] (7th Aug, 2020 12:41 AM)havilson Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, I'll try on another hdmi port first. Just to understand, my RPi is ok, right?
How should i know? we haven't been able to exclude anything yet. another cable doesn't work at all, you haven't used another hdmi port, cec-client lists many warnings. it can still be anything
I tried another hdmi port and kodi didn't boot at all! 
I was googling around and found this web site:
So, I did the following:
Am I wrong or RPi is seeing the TV CEC? Maybe the problem is the remote as you said before. 
Well, just to update but as it appears it disappeared. Now my remote is working, and I did nothing to repair it. Strange to say the least. I really don't know what caused the error maybe the cable is malfunctioning , one day I'll discover and update this again.

Oh, what a pleasant surprise