Is anyone using TVH to watch IPTV these days?
No, do not use IPTV
I don't bother with that anymore
(21st Feb, 2021 12:26 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]I don't bother with that anymore
with IPTV or TVHeadend?

We follow the American model here in Canada, so I'm trying to determine if I should put up an antenna and get an SDR dongle to get TV over the airwaves, or simply just watch the news on an IPTV service. IPTV (there are some free streams available for news here) seems to be the least cost- and work-intensive method, but my local electronics shop (that caters increasingly to makers) carries SDR dongles and I can build a suitable antenna.
Already tried addon pvr.iptvsimple?
(21st Feb, 2021 03:30 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]IPTV
Already tried addon pvr.iptvsimple?
no, but I will.
Thank you
UPDATE- yes, thank you. That one works brilliantly with
Thank you for sharing. I will do it.
fnaf world