I have selected to update all packages from within Kodi / Xbian menu. It was installing, not shown it finished, but it prompted me for restart. I skipped for like 15 minutes, added update window to background. Once returning after 15 minutes, i have seen prompt to restart so i proceed. After boot, it shows Kodi logo. Then Xbian loading window for long time, then end up in TTY1 (login prompt) where i am unable to login as root, says wrong password. If if this is something you are interested to examine and likely will be able to improve. Let me know what to look for in files (i mean exact commands as i am noob), if you will not provide any command to filter out only necessary data and want whole log/s. I want to provide only in private.
Is there interest in this or should i flash the image again and restore /home ?
Btw. root password reset i have tried to do right before this incident from within Kodi / Xbian interface prompted if i am sure to proceed with change. I have clicked OK, yet Yes/No buttons was not highlighted, window went away anyway so apparently password was not changed because I have made sure to type right characters by testing password in username prompt on TTY.
"SOLVED" by copying latest OS image on the SD card and restoring home backup file i had handy
This sounds to me like a defective file system caused by a broken SD card.
In this case, a repair is not worthwhile, a new installation - preferably on a new SD card - and installation of the /home backup is the faster solution.
I have flashed the same old image to same card, restored home backup, ran software update and after reboot again same issue.
Here is the dmesg log if interested.
Quoting relevant part here:
Quote:[Sun Mar 13 12:15:19 2022] BTRFS info (device mmcblk0p2): enabling ssd optimizations
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:21 2022] random: init: uninitialized urandom read (12 bytes read)
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:21 2022] init: progress-report (stoppeddevroot) main process (466) terminated with status 1
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:21 2022] init: progress-report (startingmountall) main process (463) terminated with status 1
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:21 2022] init: progress-report (starteddevroot) main process (465) terminated with status 1
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:22 2022] random: dbus-daemon: uninitialized urandom read (12 bytes read)
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:22 2022] BTRFS info (device mmcblk0p2): disk space caching is enabled
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:22 2022] random: dbus-daemon: uninitialized urandom read (12 bytes read)
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:23 2022] BTRFS info (device mmcblk0p2): disk space caching is enabled
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:23 2022] random: automount: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read)
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:23 2022] bcmgenet fd580000.ethernet: configuring instance for external RGMII (RX delay)
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:23 2022] bcmgenet fd580000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down
[Sun Mar 13 12:15:23 2022] init: network-interface (wlan0) pre-start process (820) terminated with status 1
I do not want to trash this SD card. Wondering if i should
run badblocks on it or try newer xbian image (mine is XBian_2021-11-05_rpi2,3,4.img) on same card.
badblocks: this is useless because badblocks only works with ext2,3,4 filesystems. we have btrfs
Why don't you use the latest image? and start that first before restoring any backups?
If Kodi then starts successfully, you can always restore the /home from the backup.
(14th Mar, 2022 02:43 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Why don't you use the latest image? and start that first before restoring any backups?
Thank You, Because possibly i wish it is discovered what exactly caused the issue that wasted hours of my time.
Yesterdays downloaded image worked. Interesting is that it has same bytes size as old image.
I will see what will happen after next update, if it will fail to boot again.
Btw, after first boot, i was again bothered by tens of stupid prompts to enable each plugins/codecs or something. I do not understand if i need that particular software, so obviously i was clicking ok, ok, ok (to keep it disabled) and then manually enabled only one i was using previously.
Also the home backup restoration is possible during initial setup, but once selecting backup file, it does not give any feedback , it just stays on Restore menu entry, so i have to click Back button on remote control and a few steps later it prompts to restore backup and shows mine selected file.
Also i am still unhappy that you do not offer language selection on the first screen of OS/Kodi startup.
(14th Mar, 2022 07:23 PM)postcd Wrote: [ -> ]Thank You, Because possibly i wish it is discovered what exactly caused the issue that wasted hours of my time.
Yesterdays downloaded image worked. Interesting is that it has same bytes size as old image.
I will see what will happen after next update, if it will fail to boot again.
Btw, after first boot, i was again bothered by tens of stupid prompts to enable each plugins/codecs or something. I do not understand if i need that particular software, so obviously i was clicking ok, ok, ok (to keep it disabled) and then manually enabled only one i was using previously.
I was under the impression that the problem had already been solved, here in the test it also worked.
However, it did not work with newly flashed sd-cards.
This commit should now finally fix the problem with newly created images
Quote:Also i am still unhappy that you do not offer language selection on the first screen of OS/Kodi startup.
This is due to Kodi alone, as the other language files were separated out as addons a few years ago and therefore have to be downloaded separately in the Kodi settings.
This is usually done once, it is not worth the effort to make major changes in the program code.
it seams, that I have the same problem. Using Kodi in the afternoon was fine. Some hours later (Raspberry was still on) I got a message about a needed restart from xbian-config. I restart directly. Since then, Kodi did not start automatically but showing the login screen for tty1.
When I connect via SSH an enter "kodi start", kodi starts. Then restart again and I get the problem again.
Is my SD-Card also damaged? Its nearly 6 months old.
(Where) can I add the "kodi start" command to an autostart - instead doing a full reinstall?
Thank you all!
If Kodi does not start automatically, then the preconditions are not all fulfilled.
One of them is that /boot is mounted correctly. You could check that first.
Furthermore, it could be that the
xbmc-preload service is not started properly. The contents of /var/log/upstart/xbmc-preload.log would be interesting. The xbmc-preload service has recently undergone some changes, so perhaps this is the cause.
/boot seams to be okay. I checked by fsck and of cause there a some files in.
I do not have /var/log/upstart/xbmc-preload.log ! xbmc-loaded.log or xbmc-done.log I can see, but says nothing to me.
Some more informations about my system:
Raspberry 3B+
Linux xbian 5.15.28+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Mar 13 17:44:36 CET 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux
What else can I do?

I have the same problem after installing the latest xbian updates today (I have RPI 3B). I think there is a problem with these updates because when I undone the changes in the system - I rolled back the latest updates, Kodi starts automatically.
Please find out exactly which package is responsible for this. I suspect it is the
xbian-package-xbmc-scripts package. If it is, I can only imagine that it no longer harmonises with the existing
In this case, it would be advisable to update the config.txt to the
latest version
I was finally able to reproduce the problem here with a Pi 3 and an unconfigured older installation. It is definitely the package
xbian-package-xbmc-scripts (xbmc-preload service) in connection with the older
config.txt version. Updating the
config.txt (see above link) fixes the problem
Edit 2:
The problem should now be solved with the new version of
xbian-package-xbmc-scripts (2.1.3)
(17th Mar, 2022 09:33 PM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]Edit 2:
The problem should now be solved with the new version of xbian-package-xbmc-scripts (2.1.3)
Hey, this update solved the problem. Thank you very much!
I had experienced the same issue, and fortunately, I stumbled upon this solution which resolved it for me.
The fact that starts immediately after I undid the system adjustments and rolled back the most recent updates makes me believe there is a problem with these upgrades.
geometry dash lite