(27th Apr, 2023 03:17 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ] (27th Apr, 2023 03:12 AM)grandcanyon Wrote: [ -> ]I changed the adjust display refresh rate to On Start in Videos -> Settings and it doesn't flicker as bad. I can navigate Simple IPTV guide without it flickering after every 4th or so key/remote stroke.
What are you trying to tell us? Unfortunately, this does not change the fact that you obviously have a significant hardware problem.
I'm trying to tell you that this marginally improves the situation but not completely so I wanted to see if anyone else has any suggestions. I don't know what my hardware issue could be. New power supply, new cable don't know what else it could be unless my PI is bad.
My impression is that simply your Pi3B+ has a defect, or it just will not or can not work with your TV correctly.
I also have such a case, it is a Pi3 (without +), which immediately overheats as soon as he gets something to do. I had tried with larger and larger heat sinks to solve the problem. Unfortunately in vain

I changed the adjust resolution on start/stop and now it doesn't flicker at all. I also no longer get idle freezes which basically happens with nothing running and I turn on the TV and the screen is frozen as I can see that the time hasn't changed. I turned off timeshift as well as I seemed to get stream freezes with this on.
In the meantime, nothing surprises me anymore
I have to ask now, do you by chance overclock your Pi3B+?
(1st May, 2023 12:06 AM)Nachteule Wrote: [ -> ]In the meantime, nothing surprises me anymore
I have to ask now, do you by chance overclock your Pi3B+?
No, I don't overclock my Pi3B+.
It's never been overclocked. Probably won't buy you much IMHO.
It buys you quite a bit actually but that's not really relevant here.