I have a mediaportal server. It works. If I connect via xbmc from my Mac or from my ipad, I can watch live TV.
I can't get it working in xbian the plugin is set the same in all 3 environments. Xbian complains that it times out waiting for the timeshift buffer.
What am I doing wrong? Additionally, I suspect this is related to SMB in XBMC on the pi. I can't use the GUI on the pi to connect to windows shares, but I can mount them from a command line.
I got around that issue by mounting my shares in fstab rather than in XBMC.
On which XBian version are you?
1.0a5. Got it from an update. I installed a4...
Also, I enabled the plugin that was included with Xbian.
can you share your xbmc.log which is located in /home/xbian/.xbmc/temp/ after the error happend? (post it on
http://www.pastebin.com and link it here)
K. I'm away from the machine, and not where I can remote it just now, but I will as soon as possible. Should I clear the log first to keep the size down?
the log clears itself on every XBMC startup so not needed
Ok. I will restart to clear it, then have the wife duplicate the error, hen I'll post it
Ok, rather than paste that entire log into Pastebin, I looked through the log, and I think I found the root of the problem.
06:31:16 T:2742023232 ERROR: AddOnLog: MediaPortal PVR Client: Failed to open file 'C:\FileRoot\TimeShift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer' as 'smb://xbian: d4n33l@MEDIA/Files/TimeShift/live2-0.ts.tsbuffer'
Notice that in the SMB connect string there is a space after the colon for the username, before the password. I don't think that's supposed to be there.
I have triple-checked the settings in the plugin, and there is NO space in the password as I've entered it into the GUI. Somehow, that space is getting in there.
Any idea where that information is stored? Is it in an editable XML file? If so,I can look there to see if there is a space and remove it... and then test again.
What do you think?
Also, if this is a bug in the way xbian is handling passwords for all SMB connections, it would explain why I could not connect to other SMB resources from the GUI.
Oh, another thing I can try is to create another user on the Windows server that has no password, so that the blanks don't matter. What about that?
Maybe it's better not to post real passwords.
Meh. this machine is not accessible directly from the internet, and I invented that password for that user. I'm not worried about it. I can just change it later, too.
Ah. This appears to be it. I looked in the addon_data/pvr.mediaportal.tvserver/settings.xml file....
the password DOES have a space in front of it.
So.. I guess the question is this: Did *I* somehow get that space in there, despite having retyped the password at least 4 times, or did xbian ADD that space due to some unseen bug?
I'm not at home where I can mess with the actual unit right now, so testing may have to wait until later (besides, the pi is slammed with a HUGE library update (just added a TON of stuff), so I want to wait for that to complete before I test anyway)
Hmmmm.. Curiouser and curiouser....
I am starting to think that this extra space business might not be xbian....
I have been using an iOS app as a remote control so that I could config xbmc from my couch. When I select a password dialog, it pops up the keyboard and allows me to enter the password.
I have not configured either of the other two devices using this, since one was my iPad (i used xbmc's on-screen keyboard) and the other was my macBook (I used the mac's keyboard).
I'll do a little more testing, but I am wondering if THAT could be the cause... Since nobody else has reported this, and it seems unlikely that a bug in xbian that would cause leading spaces in passwords would have gone unnoticed for more than about 20 minutes after the release of 1.0a5.
I'll check my theories when I get home and report back.
OK. It was the spaces. I manually removed it from settings.xml and live tv now works fine.
Still need to test whether the XBMCRemote iOS app caused it, though.
It can be a lil bugged because of api changes